Saturday, May 12, 2012

hot chicks

so apparently we have joined the world of chicken owners
I've wanted to put some chickens in our backyard for a long time now... but I'm just nervous.
 REally nervous.
 I have a lot to do & a lot of mouths to feed & did I mention I have a lot to do?!
Plus, what if dogs come into the yard- or mountain lions- and eat them?
What if we don't do it right? Then, they could stink up the backyard & our neighbors will hate us.
 I am feeling the pressure. Am I making too big of a deal out of it? 

These two girls could not be happier!

Shoot- the are really cute.

And you guys are my witnesses that these two chicks promised to take care of these two other chicks.
 We may add two more chicks- for a total of 4 chicks- which will grow into 4 chickens- which should lay lots of delicious eggs. 
I hope. 
oh golly
what have I gotten myself into?


She Loves The Color Pink said...

awesome, but I don't envy you! I want to see pictures of your chicken coop!

wende said...

i would like to say, "awww", but i sort of remember how bad that "other" neighbors chicken smelled. so instead, i'm going to trust you to do a way better job than that other loser and and then of course, we will be buying any of your surplus since you and are turning into hippie food people. :)

you guys are going to be great! :)