Saturday, May 5, 2012

my saturday

Typically I work on Saturday mornings. 
Not today!
Today I woke up to - all the boys in the house, Gone Fishing.
(Jack has gone fishing every Saturday but one since he has come home from Brazil.)
Just Chloe, Hailey & I- sleeping in.
 It was glorious.
I headed out the door to meet with a sweet lady, I am making a quilt for- she had me come over to see the colors of the room it will hang in. I am thrilled to have a paying project!
Then the girls & I got donuts, Hailey drove Chloe to ballet, & the boys came home (Brian caught 3 fish)
Then after much discussion about who, when & where--- the big boys & I went shopping for some new summer clothes for the former missionary Jack. The discussion over what/when/where would we/some of us/just us/who?? would go shopping etc. was quite comical & Jack was fairly positive he would NOT be shopping. BUT WE MADE IT-- the three of us out the door. Unfortunately everyone else had somewhere else to be & the details of all that was just too much. Oh golly- do you ever have times like that? Times when just getting out the door seems so ridiculous that you just wanna scream- 
 Leave now or I'm not going! Pee or get off the pot!
Too much talk about who, when, where to go... geez louiz- let me tell you- I was not born to shop.

Or at least that's what I thought. Oh man, these two had me in stitches the whole shopping trip. It was so much fun. We laughed & laughed-- I nearly wet my pants again & again. I'm pretty sure it was divine intervention that kept us from getting in a car accident. They had funny story after story from their mission days & were teasing each other ruthlessly over their weight- or lack there of. The jokes & digs & ducking out of the way before the other whooped him- kept me in a constant state of the giggles.
You will be happy to know that they DID NOT buy those two hats above- but Jack is now ready for summer. Some new shorts & t-shirts were definitely in order. 

It was a quite night getting ready for my cooking class Sunday morning & cake.
I made this lovely cake.
~Great Saturday~
How was yours?


She Loves The Color Pink said...

haha love the photo of Brian and Jack. I wish I could have gone shopping too, but I probably would have wet my pants!
Hope your class went well. Beautiful cake!

PaD said...

That sounds like lots of fun. I was unpacking some things the other day when I found a little note from you. It was printed and I'm not sure how old you were but it said, "thanks for letting me cook."

You're still cooking and that is a mighty beautiful cake. Love ya, Mom

Jill said...

I'm so glad you didn't really buy those hats! A bunch of the not-so-nice boys at school wear those so I really don't like those hats.

That cake is gorgeous!

michelle said...

That picture of the boys is hilarious. I can just imagine you shopping together and them having you in stitches.