Wednesday, May 9, 2012

one step ahead

This week (so far) I've been trying to get some things done!
Some BIG things done!
I'm blogging about it to help me feel like I've actually achieved something.
Some day's I have to wonder....?

I made & froze:
granola (okay I didn't freeze the granola)
for easy quick breakfasts.

I planted herbs-- Woo HOooo!!! 
seeds & plants

I always mean well, and think I'm going to get my gardening in early...
 but it's so much harder to do than it seems.

I checked the weather forecast & saw that there is not a freeze in sight.
So I put in my tomatoes- well three so far. I need to pick up a couple more plants.

Surprise, Surprise
Look was is coming up all on it's own here.
We had a contest last fall to see who could chuck their pumpkin into the garden from the deck.
(It was really funny)
Some of us made it- some did not- never the less- the pumpkins made it into the garden & now a pumpkin patch is growing. I LOVE it. We will have pumpkins growing out of our ears. I counted at least 10 plants- uh oh.

These are my raspberry bushes.
Kristy gave me some starts & they are coming along but not producing. They are much bigger this year & I am hoping this is the year!?
I have more planting to do- but this is a GREAT start for me.

Last but not least-
Happy Happy Day
Two weeks ago I ordered myself a key lime tree.
I have always wanted one of these little citrus trees- I am so thrilled to have it!
So far so good.
 It's darling. I LOVE it.
I can't wait to see flowers & little limes. It may not be until next spring- but it's okay.
 I can wait.
 I can wait.
Can I wait? I guess I will have to.


Jill said...

I love the idea of making waffles and muffins ahead of time so they can be in the freezer. We never have enough freezer space so this hasn't been an option, but my parents just gave us their old fridge so once we get that situated in the garage I won't have any more excuses!

michelle said...

Oh! I love that little lime tree! I have always wanted to have a citrus tree as well.