Wednesday, February 1, 2012

been busy

I've been gone a while.
Kind of a rough week for me.
It's January.... and January is usually hard for me, so no surprise.
I get in the sun every little chance I can- which isn't too hard- it's seasonably warm (which is still cold) we've seen much more sun than a typical January.
Anyhow- I'm back & here is a bit of what I have been doing.
1. Working- inventory.
2. I finished this quilt for someone dear to me- that I started LAST JANUARY!?

 My plan was to have it finished for Christmas...
but that didn't happen.
Oh well- better late than never.
It's packed up & I mailed it off last Friday.

3. It's early out week here for Trent. He has his very last elementary parent teacher conference today! He told me this morning that it was his last conference & that he was going to ear a shirt & tie...okay?
4. I joined PINTEREST.
Oh boy
I pretty much have spent my usual blogging time pinning. PInning, pinning & more pinning.
I told myself I wouldn't just look at pinterest but DO something about it.
TOmorrow I will show you two pinterest projects I have completed.
HOw Is YouR JaNuarY?


Jill said...

I'm sorry you're having a rough week.

I've been surprised by my own January blues since we've had much nicer weather than we usually do and I've been able to walk. I've upped my dose of Vitamin D supplements (my doctor said I was low) and have been hoping that would help.

michelle said...

How delightful to finish a quilt!

Pinterest can be a time suck, but such a pleasant way to spend the time... I am surprised by how much I refer to my boards and use the recipes and ideas I have saved.