Sunday, February 19, 2012

this week...

This hasn't been our most exciting week- 
but some of the highlights are:

Trent is on the stage crew for the elementary school play. He stays late for practice (they are performing Beauty & the Beast) he got a t-shirt this week and was rightfully- so proud. I think he moves a table before one scene. Social progress- we will take it.

Chloe roasted a chicken for dinner!
How great looking is this? 
YUM - it's fun that she is learning to cook. Plus, getting to sample her food isn't so bad either!

Friday afternoon there was no school- we ran over to pick up some things at Costco- (yes we are living la vida loca.) Brian & Laura were doing the same so we shared some hot dogs & pizza. Trent is always fun. Brian enjoys him so much.

While walking past the mattresses Chloe jumped up & Brian was shocked then snapped this photo. He offered her a dollar if she would run & jump into the giant bin of giant stuffed animals.
Too bad I wasn't there to get a picture of that-- yes, Chloe is a dollar richer today.
Today it's a snowy Sunday & I love it.
We got 4 inches last night. I didn't realize we were getting snow. What a fun surprise.
 I love a slow, snowy Sunday.


Jill said...

You guys are lucky you got a 4 day weekend instead of just a 3 day like us!

She Loves The Color Pink said...

haha I would have loved to see Chloe jump in the bin of animals.
That roasted chicken looks awesome!
Love you guys.

wende said...

awesome chloe - good for her for earning a dollar on a dare! :) i would've loved to see that too! costco is always more fun with a group, i hate going there alone.

and YAY trent! it was so fun to see how proud of his shirt and job he was the other night. i love that kid.