Monday, January 23, 2012

the view from my window

 Winter is here

I've gotta say-- I'm not hating it.
On my mind:

73 days.
It feels like he has been gone for 10 years.
I am so done with this.
I miss you
{Am I a bad person...? selfish? I just miss my son... 73 days, 73 days, 73 days}
Last night I was thinking about the airport... how there will be a lot of us there when he comes out of the secured area. I'm thinking-- I will bring a stool. Jack is too tall for me to really hug him unless I'm standing on a stool- or the stairs or something. Tears welled up in my eyes. I will be first to hug him... then Brett- then me again. then it's a free for all.
 BYU sent a confirmation email last week letting him/us know if he was re-accepted for fall semester. I don't know his password, so I hope he made it? I didn't apply for him, so he must have done that? He emails today... so you know what that means--- me checking my email every few minutes or so. You know, just in case he's there. Then I can write a message at that minute & say hello live! Like in person, kind of. Technology- I Love it!
Can I tell you? I am so very relieved & happy to be in love with my sweet husband. I couldn't live through losing all my kids to real life without him.
 He is my true love & my rock.
I miss my kids- it just doesn't matter how many I have. I love them all. They are a piece of me. Like a part of my heart went with them when they were born & I will never get it back completely.
Maybe I am still sick? Just missing Jack today.


michelle said...

Sigh. I am not looking forward to my children leaving home. I know just what you mean about losing a piece of your heart and never getting it back completely.

I can't even really imagine it just being me and Marc! Weird.

wende said...

i don't feel sad or annoyed with all the snow either, i usually am not though, until it starts to look gross and gray. i AM frustrated with the disgusting air. that is the only bad thing about winter around here!

also, patsy, for REAL i don't know how mothers send their sons on missions. i am going to need a ton of xanax to get through it i'm sure. SOOOO exciting to know that he will be home so soon! one more reason to be excited about SPRING!

Jill said...

I just wanted to stay home and enjoy the hibernation feeling that comes with snow! Instead I braved the icy roads and spent the day inside the junior high.

How exciting and emotional to be visualizing Jack's return and to know it's so close!

Kim Sue said...

praying for him and you...

jakenapril said...

amen to the snow. happy (yes, can you believe it?) to see the flaky white stuff. now, i just need more of it. ;) and jack will be home when?!? wow. i'm sure it's been forever to you, but i, for one, am glad you'll have your family home again. eating yummy soup and delicious bread. i so need some baking lessons from you. seriously.