Wednesday, January 11, 2012

on target

For FAmily Night this week, we decided to take a $25 gift card we received for Christmas from a family member & see if we could put it to good use?
We called it the
 Target challenge!

This was supposed to be a lesson on compromise & working together.

The rules: Find something all three kids would enjoy. It could be one-100 things... just had to fit into the $25 budget.

How many .95 pudding snack packs can you get for $25?
This exercise was taking too long--- It's 25! Lets move on.

Um... funny but no!

This was actually a good idea... 4 pack movie. Only $10 and included some teen girl favorites. Trent could then find something?

Like a Justin Beiber singing toothbrush?

 Or a beyblade? Oh come on- you already have beyblades!?

Some ideas for the whole family?
Whack a Mole the home version.
Or --- 5 hula hoops.

This was a fun time- lucky the store was nearly empty.

Trent decided on this very high tech ATM bank. Brett was working late & Trent knew he would love it too. We could save the family $$ in it, for Heaven's sake!

After what seemed like an eternity & a bazillion different proposed options-
 I was getting a little tired of this activity...
and proposed a $8.33-- three- way- split.

Which was hugely successful!
We all agreed this was a SUPER fun family activity.
FAmily Night-- gotta love it


She Loves The Color Pink said...

FUN family night!!! Justin Bieber singing toothbrush...they make those?!

Gail said...

That is a fun idea. We have done a similar thing where we give each person $2.00 at the grocery store and they have to get something to share with the whole family for dinner. The goal is to try not to let the other family members see what you got. When we get home we put it all on the table and that is dinner. I usually use my $2 on a vegetable. Sometimes it is an all dessert dinner except for moms veg.

michelle said...

Hilarious. I love that you documented the whole negotiating process.

Beth said...

So funny, I wish we would have documented our same Target trip with just the two of us ADULTS (hahemmm) it was even more painful!

We finally agreed on an alarm clock and then couldn't use the cert. I printed in the store. Only if I txted it to my phone and I don't have texting, or online.

So sadly, all that work and compromise... and we left empty handed... but our beautiful alarm clock was ordered online later and arrived this past week, yay!

Keep on blogging, it's so fun to be with you guys!!! Thanks for sharing your husband with me Monday night, what an awesome amazing surprise!!!
