Sunday, September 18, 2011


Another exciting event that needs to be documented: This month- Miss Hailey Jane got a car!

Not just any car... kind of a clunker- I mean that in a good way. It's perfect for driving to school & around town. It's perfect because it's a stick shift & she quickly picked that up. It's perfect because Chloe is getting her permit any day here & she can soon drive it too. It's perfect because it's hers to use & gain some much deserved freedom.

Hailey is doing so GREAT! She has had a rough couple of years but is on her way now. She is working really hard in school right now- with all A's this far into the school year- and not one seizure for nearly 8 months!!!
Hailey is easy to love.

Now-- what should she & Chloe name this car?

any suggestions?


She Loves The Color Pink said...

Hailey looks so cute with her new car! So exciting!

Jill said...

How awesome!! I got a car when I was 17 and it was the best gift ever!! I'm still shocked when I think about it. Freedom like that is such a gift. My car was named Gertie. I'm sure Hailey with her gift for composing lyrics will come up with a fitting name for her new car.

michelle said...

My first car was my minivan at age 32. No joke.

I would have been beyond excited to have even a beater car when I was a teenager! (and that doesn't even look like a beater car)

How can it have been 8 months already?! Yay Hailey!!

Beth said...

Yay for Hailey!! I loved the freedom of driving my own car :)

I love that you name your cars... my first was Charolette, the next one was Morgan (liked it so much we named a dog later in life, it fits both).

I like Shiro ("white" in japanese), or Pearle.... you get the theme :)


Karolynn said...

she is such a beautiful and amazing person. I just can't believe she is driving and now has her own car.