Tuesday, April 13, 2010

what's going on at our house mixed in with some random photos

It's been a while since I've posted...
{Chloe & I waiting at the airport on the way home from megan's}
These days I am :
1. checking my email 1,000 + times a day for an email from missionary Jack.
2. really, really irritated that he hasn't let us know he got there, if he did get there?
3. calling the mission department in Salt Lake if I don't get an email before 5:00 today!!
{jack's red hairy leg, I don't know when he took this with my camera?}
4. sending loads of good mail
5. getting ready for Brian to move home for the summer next week.
(I never imagined him moving home, since megan never did after leaving for college. We are all kind of in shock around here...)

{trent having a snack on the airplane- cool cookies that you can color with edible ink were in the $5.00 kids snack which made the price easier to swallow}

6. Happy that after spring break we are getting back to a routine.

7. Sad that there is so much homework, again- boo.

8. Busy preparing for my new calling...
Relief Society teacher. I was supposed to teach at the end of the month but another teacher needed to switch days & I'm teaching this Sunday. I was already working on the lesson, but still- now -- I'm really nervous.
9. Also preparing for scouts-- no I was not released- We are taking rocks & petrified wood out of a rock polisher today. They've been in there for over 4 weeks- so we are really excited to see how they turned out.


She Loves To Make said...

The boys are going to love those rocks! I hope your lesson goes well--I'm sure it will.

Jill said...

That's a darling picture of you and Chloe!

I can't believe you still haven't heard from him, I hope you get an email today.

You'll be a great RS teacher!

Karrie said...

WTH...you haven't heard from the missionary???? I would be calling too!!!!

to make you feel more reassured I have not hear of any bad news coming out of Brazil...he is just fine.

Janae said...

Hoping you heard something today?? Hang in there:)
you will be a terrific teacher:)

michelle said...

What, you got a new calling but didn't get released from Scouts?! That's what happens when you're so good at it, I guess. R.S. teacher is one of my dream callings.

I hope you hear from Jack today!!