Tuesday, April 6, 2010

leavin' on a jet plane...

This morning we woke up to 8 inches
of snow.
That's when I knew for sure...

that Jack would have no problem saying goodbye.

Last night he was set apart (given a special blessing) to become a full time missionary. Afterward we went to dinner as a family at his favorite local restaurant & then- he got serious about finishing up the packing (how do you pack for 2 years?!)

{ on the way to the airport}
Yesterday he spent the day saying goodbye to friends, shopping for last minute details, watching his favorite movie with Brian (Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid), showing Chloe how to use his/her phone... etc.

This guy was seriously ready. to. go.
These past couple of months have been hard for him.
NOt much to do- working here & there for people- spending some time with friends- they are busy with college-
Brett & I wondered this morning if we should've made him go to school another semester & leave afterward, but I know he wouldn't have had it that way. He was ready to go.
Excited & willing.
Like, he has been preparing for this his whole life.
Really- he was that excited.
He's not the kind of kid that shows a lot of emotion- let's just say he's not animated like his mother- but none the less I could tell he was ready & thrilled for his turn at serving a mission.

It's hard to be sad when you've got a boy like this.

I'm not sad.
Just so proud of him.

He has studied & prayed & he knows this is what he wants/needs to do.

What more can I say?

I keep thinking of all those people in Brazil.
How many tall red heads are there in Brazil?
Like, none?!
He's definitely going to get attention.
He's got a message to share.
Now is his time.
When he gets home
it's back to college- a career- a wife- a family.

But for now-
he is in the right place
doing the right thing
and I couldn't be happier for him.
I love you jack.

Be safe.

And remember- no matter how old
or how tall

or how independent

you get

you will always be

my boy...

come home to your mom
God Bless You


She Loves To Make said...
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Unknown said...

i can't help but think back to the post you wrote just over two years ago when brian was leaving. what fantastic boys - your love for them is written all over your face :)

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I loved seeing all of these pictures... He is going to be such a great missionary... Brazil is lucky to have him for the next couple of years.

Kristy said...

Did Trent drive you crazy yesterday with all the updates of where his plane was? I thought it was cute!

He will do an awesome missionary. I am not looking forward to sending my boys off. I know I need to but that still doesn't make it any easier. Your family will be so blessed having him serve.

Marcus and Brittany said...

Not going to lie...I almost started crying while reading this. I would have been a mess at the airport. But he will be a great missionary!

Beth said...

I am CRYING, CRYING, CRYING!! But sooo dang proud to be part of your family!!

Then I have to giggle at Trent in his short and coon hat... just the ticket for 8 inches of snow!! LOL I adore his individuality!!

What a wonderful post... thank you for sharing this tender time with us!!

Karrie said...

I am crying like a baby...what a neat kid and what a great missionary he will be. I am thinking of you...Love you!

Janae said...

I was doing ok until I saw the pictures of you and jack...crying, crying here. OH PATSY~ I can't imagine how a mom ever does this, you are amazing! Thanks for being a great example of mother hood. I have been thinking of you guys so much and so excited for jack! You're so right, he is right where he needs to be:)

wende said...

oh my word - thanks for the big CRY over here at my house! i'm not even his mother! but "nobody cries alone in my presence" - dolly parton, and i am a sympathy crier. i've been thinking about you a ton - i am so proud of you and your awesome family. we are SO lucky to have you to look up to. i love those proud tears of yours.

you're going to have to peel me off the floor when my boys go. i'm a mess already.

I LOVE YOU - and your family, and jack, oh we love that jack!

Jill said...

Your missionary posts ALWAYS make me cry, and that's really saying something! He looks positively transformed into a missionary! He is going to do so great and so are you! You're a seasoned pro now right? This is painful joy of the best kind!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

I'll bet Brian is wishing he could trade places with Jack.

I'm sure thinking of you . . . ouch.

Brit said...

What a great post! I miss Jack already, but I am so excited for him. What a great guy!!

michelle said...

I hope my boys are this excited when it is their turn!!

How DO you pack for two years?

Spring in Utah is insane.