Thursday, April 22, 2010

no photo... what?

This week we got our first letter from missionary jack!
It was written the first day he got to Sao Paulo, Brazil over two weeks ago. He told us about his long flight down to South America & how he tried to give a man seated next to him a pass along card- even though he had talked to him about what he was doing - going on a mission in Brazil for two years... denied. It'cool.
Then getting off the flight he & some other missionaries (there were 8 on his flight, going down together) talked to a young man who had been in the states visiting a friend on life support in a coma. The day before his family & friends were going to- "pulled the plug"- they said a pray and hours later he came out of his coma unharmed. He then told Jack that there must be something to prayer. Quoting Jack, "we were really stunned. I ended up giving him a pass along card & told him we had answers to his questions. He gave me his business card and tomorrow I am going to give it to someone here so the missionaries where ever he lives can meet with him. It was amazing."


This past weekend Trent regressed back to begging me to watch the movie Transformers II... again. I'm pretty sure I've lost years off my life explaining that he is not watching that movie.
If I could get my hands on the writers of that movie I would strangle them!
Finally out of pure frustration, I said- Trent- you are not watching it because there is sex. in. it! Do you know what sex is? (our other kids had that talk about or before his age- but he hasn't shown signs of being ready) He said sheepishly- no. I said curiously- do the kids in your class ever talk about sex? He said- well, they did when it first came out.... but they don't anymore.

Today the blogger moms came over here for lunch & our creative day.
I was busy making 250 mini cupcakes. 100 for Karrie's stake meeting- 120 for a wedding shower sky & I put on tonight at her house- & the rest... hmmm?
Everyone helped with the cupcakes & it made for a crazy, fun, productive, exhausting, day.
I didn't take one. single. photo.


wende said...

i have lost years of my life try to explain to ethan why they did not make an "ellie" mammoth from ice age with all the other mcdonald's toys from that movie. he's SO bothered that her and the possums are not there. just when i think he's forgotten about it, he asks me AGAIN, if we can please go to mcdonald's and check to see if they have an ellie. OH MY HELL! for real?! so i'm with you is what i'm saying.

AND, your cupcakes were gorgeous, your house inviting and comfortable and your hospitality was great! i love you. and my "mental photo" of the day, are of all those little chocolate cupcakes with white billows of frosting and little chocolate pieces on top. SO cute.

thanks for a great day!

wende said...

and if i could FIND THOSE JERKS who made the decision of what characters to make for mcdonalds i would CHOKE them too! why on earth didn't they include ellie and the possums? they are main characters for heaven sakes and maybe they would like to explain it to my OCD four year old broken record?

She Loves To Make said...

No photo?! Dang! I was hoping to see how they turned out. I'm sure they were beautiful!
haha I love your response to Trent. We'll see if that makes the begging stop.

michelle said...

Hooray for Jack! Sounds like he was ready to go right from the start.

I don't believe I've ever asked my kids about sex as a subject changer, that totally cracked me up. As did Wende's comments!

I've lost years off of my life for any number of things my kids do, first and foremost: sleep deprivation! Still!

Jill said...

Hooray for a letter from Jack! It seems so brave to me to share the gospel with strangers on a plane, but of course that's exactly what a missionary should do!

That's too funny about Trent and that movie. Hopefully your response this time will shut him up about it for good.

It kills me that you guys don't take or post pictures of your Creative Thursdays!!!

Beth said...

Jack... what a great missionary, focused before he even got there!

Sorry about the Transformers movie :( I so wish I could have been a fly on the wall for "the talk". Too funny that was your last resort diversionary tactic! LOL

I am going to just come down for a creative Thursday and show up on your doorstep!! Since you are being so lame at getting pictures posted, JK... all the yummy descriptions on your comments about those cute cupcakes is almost good enough! HUGS, HUGS!!

Karrie said...

I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the help you have given me with the cupcakes and Payton's are the BEST!!!

I love you!!