Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I don't have a photo...
I do have a lot on my mind.
WOO HOOO for some reason blogger won't let me paste a portion of it here??
He is well- got there- has a great view of the 2nd largest city in the world from his window. He likes the CTM (Portuguese for MTC) Eats lots of rice & beans already. One of the instructors was behind him in line for lunch & told him not to eat the black beans. He asked why - the guy laughed & said he "used to be a ginger too & now look at him"- he's a big African/Brazilian guy. Jack said he laughed for nearly 1/2 hour. He LOVES the great chocolate milk that he drinks every night at 9:30 PM. His companion is from Alaska. He flew from SLC with other missionaries all going to Sao Paulo.
He is happy & he says he loves it!
-deep mother relief-
How does it feel this time around?
People ask me that all the time & frankly it has been easier in some ways.
Easier because this time- I know he will come back.
This time- I am not struggling with my testimony after giving up a son while not sure he would come back.
This time- he was away for a semester at college & in my head it really feels like he's in Provo.
This time- my other children are so busy & have a lot of needs right now. It's kind of nice to know that jack is okay & I'm not worrying about him.
I really know he is ready for this.


shannon said...

Patsy, Patsy, Patsy!...It seems like everytime I go on one of my blogging hiatuses, something BIG happens at the Messer house--like someone coming home from a mission or GOING on one!!!

Sorry to be so disconnected for so long...

I peeked at your previous post...I never knew that there was such a thing as sandwiches that you can draw on!!! Tre' cool!! I'm sure you'll make an excellent RS teacher! I can't believe they didn't release you from cubs, though...good grief. Don't you guys have more people that available callings out there?

Missed ya! XO

Jill said...

Hooray! I'm so glad you heard from Jack and that he is doing so well. That's too funny about the black beans.

Janae said...

Yay!! So, so glad you got to hear from him:) Sounds like he is doing awesome...hooray!

jakenapril said...

phew! glad the communication lines are now open. let the communicating commense! glad that jack is alive and well...and not eating the black beans! take care and know that he is safe and well, and watched over. ;)

wende said...

yay for deep mother sigh of relief. yay for missionaries who are ready and willing and for moms who feel a little more prepared this time around.

and hey, brazil is only a LITTLE further south than provo, so you just keep telling yourself that. :)

michelle said...

Whew! What a relief for you!

I'm so intrigued by your struggle after Brian left for his mission... and so glad you're going through this before me so I can see how you handle it all!

Karrie said...

Feww!!! I am so glad to hear to news of the getting news...finally.