Monday, September 21, 2009

what to do in our town on a friday night

Friday nights are pretty hoppin in our town...
that is if you work at the DQ!
Brett & I mentioned to Trent & the neighbor kid that we were going & -boom- they were out in the car- hiding.
Ha ha- NOT.
Brett had been gone for two nights on business. It felt like a two weeks. When he got home... I had just finished meeting with the webelo scouts (trent acted like a 2 year old beast), had no make up on, a huge zit on my chin & was wearing a lovely pair of sweats, ratty ol' BYU t-shirt & sandals. I'm kind of fancy that way. Lucky for me he over looked all that & took me to dinner (no I didn't change) and shopping where he insisted he buy me a new camera. That guy is a keeper- I tell ya!these are the first pictures taken with my new Nikon D40!!! WOW- it's amazing & I feel like a professional photographer. I've been shooting up a storm & loving it.
I guess the flash was a little bright-
I took about five shots of these two & this was the best they could do.

I'm sure I've mentioned it before- but the local DQ is a mad house on the weekends. The owner- her son was on the same mission as Brian & has been home over a year now- told us at the fabulous scout field trip last month that it's the top performing DQ in the west! I believe it- there is at least 10 cars in line at the drive threw & a full parking lot nearly every night. This night was no exception.
We bought some Star kisses & Dilly bars & headed back home to eat them in the grass & look at the stars. We have had a lot of cool, clear nights with super starry skies. The big dipper & North Star are in plain view just out our front door, its fantastic.

After setting up a blanket in the grass I turned around to see these two.
They were pretty bummed that I wouldn't let them out.
I didn't feel like seeing them get nearly hit by a car or apologizing to some innocent neighbor after they accosted someone. Ya- it had been a long day.
What do you like to do on Friday nights?
Is there a local hot spot in your town?


Holly said...

You can't go wrong with DQ, seriously.

Congrats on the rocking new camera! How fun!!! Happy photo snapping.

Karrie said...

Aug-Oct. we are at the VHS football games...where you should be! You better come next's really fun.

She Loves To Make said...

I WISH I could be at the Centerville DQ on Friday nights! That place is the best. Hooray for the new camera--that is so exciting! I can't wait to see all the cool pictures you take.
I love that last picture of Trent and Jason...they are so weird haha

Kristy said...

We are with Karrie and Troy at the VHS football games.....I agree it is also where you should be!!!! It is the place to be on Friday nights!!!

Kim Sue said...

Yippee for the new camera! that just rocks! I know I have said it before when you mentioned DQ but I am so sad we don't have one around here. I just about had to make a road trip over the Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie Blast that they kept advertising!

Marie said...

Yum, we love DQ...I wish we lived a bit closer to go a lot more.

Jill said...

How exciting that you got a new camera and just in time for a beautiful fall!! I hope this means you'll be taking lots more pictures of Creative Thursday, your home, and everything else!

We don't have a Dairy Queen nearby. The closest one used to be in Orem, but they tore it down.

michelle said...

Yeah. He is a keeper for sure. How exciting to have a new camera!!

shannon said...

Your Friday nights sound ideal...
Anytime a dilly bar is involved, all is right in the world...