Wednesday, September 23, 2009

first field trip of the year!

Today Kristy & I went with a bunch of fourth graders-
on their first field trip of the year.
We went to the fabulous Farmington Bay Bird Refuge right next to the Great Salt Lake.
It was a beautiful day full of fabulous birds -- I was so excited to take my new camera!! I got a lot of great pictures, but it wasn't until I got back that I realized I didn't get any pictures of the birds ...?

The center equipped all of the kids with their own pair of binoculars. They got to view Shoreline birds in their natural habitat. As the kids exited the bus they were told to be very, very quiet, and not to make any sudden moves as not to upset the birds... they did it- very impressive!

There are Great Blue Herons, Eagles, Pelicans, ducks... all kinds of birds who migrate in & out of this beautiful bird refuge throughout the year.

this is the view back towards our town.

We were lucky to get to walk across the empty flats (they are in the process of building a walkway, then will let the water come back) over to see a frog burrowed in the mud, a muskrat scull, alkaline soil, some pickle weed- crazy fun times!

The lady who gave the tour was very knowledgeable, but did not like talkers... at all. In fact she stopped more than once to tell not ask the adults in the back to stop talking & listen!

I of course have excellent listening skills.
I rarely have a word to say & I am quiet as a mouse,
so there fore she didn't scold me... way maybe once.

This teacher below was fascinating - she was so great at keeping the kids & adult's attention.
She taught us all about interesting things like how birds migrate & adapt to their environments. She had us in this classroom for at least 30 minutes & not one kid stirred.

well, trent did - a little.
I can't believe I have lived near here for 13 years & haven't made it out to this place! I am planning on taking Brett here soon. He is a true bird lover & we have counted over 9 species of birds in our backyard. We have different feeders & enjoy them all year. I even bought him a subscription to Birds & Blooms last year for Christmas!
The best part of this field trip?
There wasn't enough room on the bus for parents... we had to drive separate- YES!
sorry, but a whole bus full of kids = a pulsating headache for hours to come.
Still- I love field trips & think it's great for kids, teachers & parents to get out in nature.


Jill said...

Wow, a field trip already! Your pictures are beautiful!! I'm so excited for you.

It cracks me up that you got scolded during the field trip.

Kristy said...

I am so glad we went on the field trip!! It makes field trips so much nicer when one your friends is there with you!

I LOVE your picture that you took looking down the road. It turned out so awesome! I have not even downloaded my pictures yet!!

Thanks for a nice day :)! Love ya!

Janae said...

you guys are great to go on the trips...i need to go, maybe...
Sounds like your guide was pretty serious...hmmm.
the guide at Wheeler Farm with the kindergartner's today was very interesting. stories of death at the farm and how kids are stupid these days compared to what they used to be...where are these guides coming from???

shannon said...

I love your pictures...this sounds like a place with my name written all over it! I'd love to go there...

It would have made me nervous to have an adult shushing me...It's one thing for the kids to be quiet but moms too? Doesn't she know that we live for adult interaction and need to take advantage of those long as you guys were talking quietly, I don't see why she cared...
Sounds like she was hungry with power to me...

The quiet drive home sounds like heaven to me... :)

Beth said...

GREAT!!!!! Pictures Patsy!!!! Good job, documenting this field trip. So cool, it made me want to go watch birds... go figure.

She Loves To Make said...

I bet Dad would love that place! The pictures look GREAT! The new camera was worth it!

wende said...

awesome photos! i LOVE field trips, but HAAAATE riding the bus. the trips where moms get to drive separate are my favorite ones! especially when you have friends come along. i'm a little jealous. not really. :)

Jill said...

Where are you Patsy??

Kim Sue said...

it looks so serene..your pictures are wonderful. and yeah for a calm field trip!

Karrie said...

I'm so glad you were spared the nerve racking bus ride...your new camera takes great photos.