Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I thought the computer was my friend?

I figured out why my photos won't upload. My computers- both my laptop & my regular computer have decided not to recognize my camera anymore. What? After all these years? Brett can't figure it out. Heaven knows I'm lucky to be doing this at all, considering my computer expertise... so ya- what to do? I feel betrayed & I am taking suggestions.

Yesterday it rained buckets here! I love rainy days- LOVE them. I wish I could upload the picture I took of Trent out in the street with a jacket, umbrella & no shoes on... well maybe?
I went outside to take a picture of him playing in the rain to find out he had been out there with no shoes on & casting Brett's fishing pole in the street. Hmm. lovely. I'm sure the neighbors wonder if we are just burned out because he is the youngest of six, or what?

I finally made dinner after a week of lazy dinners= sandwiches & chicken nuggets. I made Karen's Chicken Noodle Soup- Oh my goodness... the best & easiest chicken noodle soup of all time- you have to try it!

Last night after dinner I called college boy Jack to see how school is going & we visited for a minute. He got rained on too. He said he went from one building to the next & was soaked. He couldn't talk long because it was "family time" aka: family night with his apartment & two others. Gee, that didn't seem to stop him from texting & talking on the phone when he lived at home? smarty pants-

Tonight we find out what part Chloe gets to be in the nutcracker! She is counting down the hours until 7:00 PM. Cutie-

The missionary didn't email yesterday- I hate when he doesn't email... it has only happened two other times in the almost two years he has been gone. I'm not worried- well, I shouldn't be worried right?

Trent can't sleep at night & Hailey can't wake up... what is it with kids & sleep? Trent fights it like he is going to die if he falls asleep. Once he's out he's out but getting there-it's hell- pure hell I tell you! I try not to get mad, I know a big part of his sleep issue is his ADHD meds. but still. It is so hard. We've tried the night time routine, melatonin, prizes, etc. The only thing that works is 10:00 PM and mom laying down by him. It's ridiculous- he's ten now.... 10 stinkin' years old & i have to lay down next to him? I have visions of me laying down next to a 13 year old & it's not pretty.

Yesterday I got two- TWO Christmas projects/gifts done-- ya, that feels good.


She Loves To Make said...

Your computers won't recognize your camera? That's weird! I'll ask Tony if he has any idea what is going on.
haha trent was "fishing" barefoot yesterday? When your photos do start loading again you have to post pictures of that!
Karen's chicken noodle soup sounds awesome right now...it's rainy here too!

Gail said...

are you hooking up the camera directly or the memory card?

If it is the camera try the memory card. If you don't have a slot for your memory card, you can buy an adaptor that the memory card slips into with a cable that goes into a USB port.

By the way thanks for the baking advise the other day. I finally found my own really great vanilla cake recipe that is not heavy and dry.

patsy said...

ya- I've tried both
thanks gail

Beth said...

Our computers did that to our camera too??? Let me know if you find a solution for it.

For now, I have found putting the card into our printer that has a card reader in it works, but only 60% of the time.... I fight it constantly!!! URGGGG!!!

patsy said...

was it your camera like my camera??

this is crazy-

Jill said...

I hope Brett figures out the camera situation, maybe you need to reload the software or something.

I enjoyed the buckets of rain yesterday too, but there was no fishing going on at our house.

Don't worry about Brian!

Wow, Trent's sleep situation sounds challenging for sure.

Congratulations on getting two Christmas projects done, that's amazing!

wende said...

i hate computer issues. i have a solution for you though - i'll send rich over. :)

don't worry about brian, he's busy with good things i'm sure. but ya, that stinks not to get an email AND to be ditched by the college boy because of family night. that is kind of funny though. at least he's not crying to come home. :)

i'm sorry about the sleep situation, that is so miserable. can you slip him some ambien? :) i'm only MOSTLY kidding. good luck. love ya!

michelle said...

You have already finished Christmas projects?? I am SO jealous.

All of my kids have had/have sleep problems. Sleep problems suck. They suck, I tell you. (But you already know that.)