Friday, September 11, 2009

recipe for disaster

what do you get when you add:
1. two weeks of company
2. child left for college- I'm missing him.
3. tough lesson at church on Sunday
4. hurt feelings (long story)
5. cramps
6. tons of work to be done: canning tomatoes- I'm sick to death of them & I haven't even really started-
7. and this book...
BAWLING- bawling-bawling.
I've been pretty much having crying fits all week. I finished this book last Saturday. Cried my eyes out many times. Almost quit many times... but I am glad I stuck with it. My book club met last night & I am relieved it's over. I am proud of myself for finishing it but it was such a tough emotional read for me. I guess everything else hasn't helped either...
what a week- I hope the weekend is better!
Have you read this book?
Did you cry your eyes out?
Do you ever have one of those weeks?


Gail said...

I'm sorry you have been having a rough time. I am also proud of you for reading that book. I have looked at it several times but never quite had the desire to pick it up. Hang in there things will get better soon. At the very least canning season will end and you will have a smug happy feeling seeing all those beautiful jars lined up in your pantry.

Kristy said...

Patsy maybe the canning fairy will come and visit both of us and can all of our tomatoes.......wishful thinking!!!

Sorry you have had a rough week and I have not been around to help out! Hang in there!!! See you tonight!

wende said...

oh we need a girls' night BAD!

i haven't read this book, but another by this author. BLEH! it also was such an emotional read. sometimes those are good, but not during one of THOSE weeks!

hang in there.
i love you!

michelle said...

Yes, I read it. Yes, I cried. Throw in cramps, hurt feelings, a child gone to college, etc. I can see bawling for sure.

Jill said...

Oh honey, it sounds like you're in the middle of the perfect storm right now...not good. Do you have medication of some sort? Is Brett up to providing the needed therapy/sympathy? Do the blogger moms need to do an intervention?

I hope you're on the mend now that book club is over. That book was definitely an upsetting one for me too, but so good. Perhaps you should pick up something lighter...I know just the thing.

Beth said...

I am sorry to hear you are having such a week.

It is great to read your comments and know what wonderful friends you have close by who love you so much!

I did a quick chat with Jack today when I saw him on facebook... and he IS a man of few words, but it was awesome that he didn't delete me as his weird old stalking aunt either! He sounds good, and it was "good for me" to hear back from him, even for a few seconds! I bet you miss him allot!

Sending big {{{{{HUGS}}}}} your way!!

Karolynn said...

Sorry about your bad week. Also feel bad that you had your feelings hurt. That has been happening to me a lot lately and I know all too well it is no fun. I haven't read the book, but it sounds good. I hope next week is much better! Oh and I love your post about going to Provo!

Karolynn said...

Sorry about your bad week. Also feel bad that you had your feelings hurt. That has been happening to me a lot lately and I know all too well it is no fun. I haven't read the book, but it sounds good. I hope next week is much better! Oh and I love your post about going to Provo!

Kim Sue said...

i gave up on the book...several people told me not to that it was just so good. so a couple of times I tried to continue but then I just couldn't.