Thursday, September 10, 2009

livin' the life

Yesterday I drove down to the land of Cjane & Jill & Nie & Jack the college student.
Right here:
this is where I lived when I lived here...
a long time ago.
Just to the north is where jack lives today.

We went to lunch, shopped for groceries...
he didn't need much

(what's up with my crooked nose & lazy eye... total self esteem buster here, dang)
and I got to check out his apartment for a minute.

It's hard to believe he is all grown up & living on his own.
Right here under the Y.

He is living the dream-
I asked him how it felt to be here at BYU after wanting it for so long. He said- "it's weird." He is a man of many words. He said, "I just want to go on my mission, it's hard to think about school." Well... I guess we need to start on that.

Back home I went-
to drive ballet & make dinner & not get enough done.


Jill said...

Ahem, did you forget the Utah County is also my home?? I suppose if you already have a lunch date then visiting me is probably not as fun an option, but still.

I think it is so fabulous that he is so anxious to go on his mission! My nephew in the dorms is questioning everything and unsure about what he wants to do with school and a mission! I told my sister-in-law that he is in a good place to be questioning such things, but still, he's a serious contrast to Jack!

Kristy said...

What a fun day for you!!!! Jack looks great, how's the dating going?? (teeheee)

I hear that boys once they get that close to a mission just want to go! I bet Jack is getting to that point where he just want to go on his mission.....good for him!!!

patsy said...

jill YOU ARE so right-

my apologizes... :)

She Loves To Make said...

So glad you got to go spend some time with Jack!

Karrie said...

Wow how is it that he looks so much older?

I also want to know how the dating is going.

michelle said...

I think it's wonderful that he's anxious to go on his mission! I hope my boys feel like that, too...