I really can't believe it... I know I say that all the time.. but I can't!
Friday October 28, 2011- our last elementary school Halloween day parade & party. WOW
He was so excited to wear his costume, (mad scientist- thanks to Karrie who saved the day) the spooky glasses & jar of eye balls floating in green liquid. Why do I always forget- really? Every year I forget he has aspergers (high functioning autism) and think he's going to have so much fun.
Then I get there & he is mostly out of costume, running through the parade in a panic!
He won't stop to say hi or take a photo.
He just wants to get the heck outta dodge. It's my problem not his- I should remember by now!? He did just great.
The school was all decked out & cute with pumpkins & haunted houses made by the students.
I absolutely LOVE that my kids have gone to this school! A school wear there is Halloween with a parade- a school with a Christmas tree & sing along- A Valentine Tea & Easter Egg hunts. Where kids can be kids. I feel sad for kids who have to be politically correct. Sorry- call me an irresponsible parent who doesn't think being educated is important- I don't care- they have plenty of time to study & learn & be serious. They are kids for Heaven's sake.
Can you believe I didn't go to our school costume parade yesterday?? I woke up with a wicked headache. (Plus, I have 5 more years to go...)
I totally get what you're saying about it being your problem, not Trent's. Although I don't have any kids with Asperger's, mine were all extremely cautious/fearful and reluctant to do things when they were young, and I had to keep re-learning that as well.
Loved the post and all the photos.
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