Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Last night when Trent went to bed he was 11. This morning he woke up -- 12. I'm not sure he could be more excited?Dad left for work... then- there was a loud knock at the door & WA La- a bike was there!
Trent's birthday wish had come true!
He immediately took it for a spin around the cola sac & nearly got hit by a neighbor pulling out of the driveway... oh boy.

never a dull moment

This boy is so easy to love.

He is special in so many ways.

Yesterday we took him to a new doctor- a specialist at the U of U. It was amazing. In our two hour evaluation we learned so much more about Trent. About Aspergers, the adolescent brain, ADHD, turrets & tics, OCD, and what we need to do to keep on helping our guy. He is doing great & that's the way we want to keep it.

12 year old Trent loves:

cheese pizza - cake - riding bikes - scouts - playing with friends - doing hard 1000 piece puzzles- Lego's - hugs - technology & computers - his big brothers & sisters - and getting birthday cards in the mail... so far he has been extremely disappointed by getting none. (He checks EVErY DAY. If you know him please send him one!!!)

What I love about Trent: He is very honest & literal (which is great for a mom & sometimes funny) he loves to hug me, he is a great whistler, he is a good brother, he helps me with the computer & hooking up the dvd player etc.

I love you Trent!



Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Happy Birthday Trent! I love hearing the stories your mom tells. I love seeing the ig box you liked to sleep in a few months ago. I love your new bike. I can't wait to hear more stories about you.

Watch your mailbox. I'm sending you a card and it should be there on Monday or Tuesday.

Jill said...

Score on the new bike! Poor Whitney is riding a bike that looks about 4 sizes too small for her.

She Loves The Color Pink said...

Our card for him should be there tomorrow since we sent it on Monday! Tell Trent I'll call him tomorrow to get a birthday update :)

Kristy said...

Happy Birthday Trent!!!!

I can't wait to hear about your Dr's appt and how things went! I am glad you finally were able to get him in!!

michelle said...

He is special in so many ways! I am so curious about your doctor's appointment. How wonderful to get the information you need from someone who knows.