Wednesday, October 27, 2010

my missionary jack... an update

Monday this photo was in my inbox.
It was like a little slice of heaven... seeing a picture of my missionary jack!
He has been out nearly 7 months now. YES- you read that right- it's been 205 days sent we said good bye & he got on an airplane to Brazil.
I miss him terribly.
I think about him constantly... always.
I don't write much about it because frankly, I don't like to get super personal on this blog. My feelings about having a missionary are so personal, so overwhelmingly personal & sacred... I just don't want to trivialize any part of the experience. Anyhow- he is doing well. He has lost some weight, but then he walks at least 10 miles most days. He loves it. Absolutely loves it! I know- not because of the many letters saying he loves it- but because of pictures like this one. I know my son, and I can see it in his eyes.
Tonight I want to share a bit of this week & last week's email.
(last week)
He is writing about a family they are teaching, "They are a really humble family, that doesn't have much. It was hard going to their house for the first time & seeing how little they have. Their house is only a little bit bigger than my bedroom back home & they are a family of 13- 11 kids! But they are so happy & so excited about the gospel. The blessings of the gospel are so much it doesn't matter how little we have, if we have the gospel we are rich with blessings."
(this week)
"this week was GREAT!! We went to visit a family & one boys had a surprise for us. He had named two of his roosters after my companion & I. Little Elder Messer is a white rooster with a red head, ha ha. Now many of you may be recalling the Seinfeld episode where Kramer buys a rooster & names it little Jerry Seinfeld. So it probably won't surprise you when I inform you that, yes, Little Elder Messer got in a fight against Little Elder Alves. We were all sitting in this little tiny room (it's really little especially with 11 people in it!) when these two roosters just went at it. They were fighting in between my lets, on my lap, it was craziness. Don't worry though, Little Elder Messer was quicker than Rocky from rocky III."
It's good to know he still has his sense of humor.
I know you are not reading this...
but someday you will-
I love you Jack. I know you are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you want to do & I am proud of you. Proud to be your mother. Proud you are doing good in this world & loving your fellow man. Proud of the man you have become. Proud that you are not afraid to teach & testify of what you know is true. Proud that you know how to work hard. I miss you but wouldn't bring you home- mostly because you would never speak to me again- for anything. I dream of the day you will come home & walk down the ramp at the airport. I love you so much.
love, mom


Amie said...

These are my favorite posts. I understand not wanting to share things that are so personal but the spirit comes right through these posts. I think you are a fantastic mom and want to come back and read your missionary experiences one day when I hopefully have my own. Thanks for sharing.

Beth said...

I understand why you don't share things that are sacred and personal, like being a missionary mom.... but I gleen so much from posts like this. Hard to read when we are preparing a future missionary here too, but I feel your testimony, and know of your love and the STRONG spirit that I feel from reading these words. Thanks for sharing what you do, and we know that this blog is not all you are about, or everything you are :) It's just a beautiful tiny little glimpse!

Thanks for sharing it with us!

Kristy said...

The rooster story is funny!! Totally Jack!

Sounds like he is doing awesome and loving his mission.

I am not looking forward to sending my boys off on missions, I just can't think about it.

Love ya! :)

Jill said...

I'm surprised by how much I enjoy reading missionary updates, maybe it's because I'm getting closer to this stage of life or maybe it's because my testimony is stronger than it has ever been. Either way, I appreciate the posts (I read Lisa's too, her son is in Brazil also) and feel so happy for the good work these boys/men are doing.

I can't imagine how 13 people could live in a bedroom-sized space. I need to appreciate and relax about the space I live in.

wende said...

i am a big fan of "big" elder messer and think that naming a rooster after someone is a huge compliment! that family must really love him! :) and why wouldn't they? i would name my rooster after him too.

i love his sense of humor. and i agree, i can see it in his eyes too, he is loving life.

michelle said...

I love this post, Patsy. So much. Love that he is really into the work, but still has his sense of humor. Love the spirit that comes through in his writing and in yours. What a letter he will get to read someday! Who wouldn't want to know that their mother is so proud of them and loves them so much?

I can NOT believe he's been gone for 7 months! I'm curious – does it go fast for you as parents or only for us as onlookers?...

Karrie said...

I miss Jack...he is such a good ya