Friday, October 8, 2010

five for friday... I should of taken a picture addition!

1. I forgot to mention in the post below that I met a fellow blogger at the Nie Nie speech last week!? Probably because I was too much of an idiot to take a photo... when will I ever learn?
Anyhow- I met Andrea & it was wonderful that she came & said hi to me- what a thrill!

2. I also didn't mention that one of the really fun events last week after conference--- was that Brian (aka: former missionary) brought a date home for dessert! woe nelly!! She was a very cute. A darling girl from Mississippi & I purposely didn't take a picture this time because I didn't want to freak her out. Good Mom move- ya I know!

3. We went to Orange Leaf Yogurt as a family TWICE!
Orange Leaf Yogurt is my new- true- love.... I LOVE it {{swoon & sigh}}
The night Brett told me he got laid off from work- this is how it went down:
brett: "I need to talk to you about something"
me: "just a minute I forgot to do something" (I then ran downstairs & ordered a copy of this & this & $40 worth of Orange Leaf coupons for $20 on Go Deal Go)
me: (I jumped up on the bed all smiles) "what's up?"
brett: "I lost my job today"
me: "I just bought $40 worth of Yogurt!?"

4. I've made one darling apron, two baby quilts & one throw quilt!!
The apron was for Wende & the quilts are at the quilter already... again- no photos. When the quilt gets back- I'm on it.

5. My parents were here over night yesterday... and I forgot to get a photo.
My parents haven't spent the night here for multiple reasons- mostly because of the dogs, which we don't have anymore- for years. Neither of us (my mom or I) could remember the last time they had slept at our house. Sad, I know. Oh we've seen them- they just don't come to the house.

This week's goal-- take some photos darn it!


Jill said...

You're torturing me with no pictures, especially of Andrea because I don't know which Andrea it was.

$40 of yogurt, that's funny.

Beth said...

Good move not scaring the date... but darn, we need pictures.

Plus the sooner she learns he has a crazy picture taking blogger Mom the better everyone will be. If she can't take the heat, better to know sooner than later, right :) ha ha ha

michelle said...

I've heard such good things about NieNie's talk.

I've never heard of Orange Leaf yogurt!

You are a quilting machine. I want to see them!

wende said...

i love the apron - it's already dirty from wearing it so much over the last few weeks. i will take a photo of me in it and email it to you. :) and the quilts, oh man, i can't wait to see them in person! you are on fire woman!

and, i will never forget the job lay off / $40 worth of yogurt story for as long as i live! that is the best! and totally how it would go at my house.