Sunday, October 24, 2010

Can it be... 17!?

Last week was Hailey's birthday
(I'm seriously behind in the blogging world I know, I know)
Can you believe it?
She is seventeen....
oh boy- how did that happen?
Brian was spending the night, the night before & wanted to see her open presents... so we all decided to get up early with her & have a special breakfast party!
We ate donuts & opened presents at 6:45 AM- before she left for school at 7:00 AM.
wow- that was early!
but fun

No one agreed to have their photo taken
- except her-
the rest of us were still sleepy & in our pj's.
Isn't she cute!? Even at 6:45 in the morning!!!
She got some jewelry, a really cool make-up mirror, a skirt & new shirt.
fun, fun, fun- almost as fun as dinner!
For her birthday dinner
she chose to invite two friends- tiffany & lizzie- to join us at the newly opened
In & Out Burger!!!!
It has been opened for over a week.
Finally, for Hailey's birthday we braved the lines.
It was totally worth it & really pretty quick.
Cheeseburgers, fries, cokes...
is there a better way to celebrate a birthday?
Hailey is truly an angel.
She sings like an angel, acts like an angel.
She's an absolutely fabulous teenager.
We are so happy to have you Hailey as our girl.
(I'm speaking for dad & I.)
I love you.
Happy Birthday!


Linda said...

Happy Happy Birthday Hailey!

Patsy, every time I read something about Hailey, it just makes me adore her more. She truly sounds like a wonderful daughter!

I saw a picture of you and your girls on Bakerella's blog! What a great photo!

Jill said...

Wow, 17 already! The early-morning donut party looks fun.

wende said...

i can't believe she's seventeen! wow! and i agree - that she is a most darling teenager. one that i personally, ADORE!

happy happy birthday hailey!
i'm bringing your birthday gift today! :)

She Loves To Make said...

I can't believe she is already 17! 17 seems so old!!! She looks darling with her hair bows...I'm hoping she makes me some! I'm glad she had a good birthday--she deserves it.

michelle said...

She really does seem like an angel! I'm totally jealous of her new ruffly shirt.