Friday, February 5, 2010

thankful to be back amongst the living

This week I got sick...
like a really bad, knock you off your feet - cold & sore throat - sick.
I can talk now--
but not for long before I start to whisper.

I am grateful that I am better today and
that brett took me out to lunch and
when the cub scouts came over, they were not tooo rowdie and
that I have a new helper
who is awesome and
that I made guacamole so I can put the recipe on later....

I am sad that I missed creative Thursday, but
glad that wende drove ballet for me on Wed. night and
kristy brought me valentine cookies and
that marcus is okay (he had is appendix out early this morning) and
that he has a wife to take care of him- not just a bunch of roommates- wouldn't that be a bummer!?

HOw was your week?
I feel like I lost several days of my life!
Oh HOw GOOd it Feels To BREathE!!


PaD said...

Sorry you've been ill. I'm glad you're better. Wish we were closer. Love ya, Mom

shannon said...

Man--that stinks! Sorry you've been feeling under the weather...
but happy that you're back...
I've missed you... :)

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I'm glad you're starting to feel better... I hate getting sick.

Kristy said...

So glad you are feeling much better!!! I will have to make more cookies that are better next time.
We missed you on Thursday. :)

michelle said...

I know just what you mean about losing several days of your life! I feel that way when I get sick, OR when my kids are sick... glad you're feeling better.

I can NOT imagine having to recover from surgery with only roommates to help out! Yikes, that could be really bad.

Karrie said...

I am glad you are back among the living