Wednesday, February 17, 2010

5 boys 5 mission calls

Tonight 3 of Jack's room mates & two friends from High School, opened their mission calls.

1. Birmingham, England
2. Indianapolis, Indiana
3. Congo, Africa
4. Birmingham, England (leaving the same day as #1)
5. Warsaw, Poland

I cannot believe in less that 50 days now... Jack will be off to Brazil... oh boy.
*Will you be following along on the Journey of Missionary Jack?


She Loves To Make said...

I think it is so cool that those five guys got their calls all on the same day! What a great time for Jack and his friends! Of course I'll be following along with his Jack's journey :)

shannon said...

Cool! And how extra cool is it that #1 and #4 will be going to the same place!

Count me in on Jack journey!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Of course!

michelle said...

What an exciting day for them all! And how fun for two of them to be going to the same place.

I hope your question was a rhetorical one -- of course we want to know all about Jack's journey!

Kari Sweeten said...

Congratulations to Jack! He will be such a fabulous missionary!