Friday, May 20, 2011

missionary jack- an update... updated!

This week these photos & a few more-- were in my inbox. It is such a delight to get photos from missionary jack! You can see for yourself... he looks good, a little skinny, but still- he looks GREAT. His emails are so incredible to me. His testimony of The Living Christ knocks my socks off. I used to quote The missionary Brian a lot, but now it's impossible to cut & paste missionary emails. So I don't- and you guys are seriously missing out. I think I will print his Easter Week email & copy it here

Later today- I have kids to get out the door & bbsitting to do & laundry. Lots of laundry. I love this boy. I can still feel him. When I see his photo I can remember EXACTLY what it feels like to hug my boy. To kiss his face. I am so happy that he is a missionary. I know it means the world to him & because of that I can let him go. He will be back! I learned that from Brian (did you know I wasn't sure?) but for now I can wait.


I rarely include such personal & spiritual writings in my posts. But this message is so important to me. I want everyone to know why I love having a missionary, what I believe~ what I know he believes & why he is sacrifice two year so his life to go on a mission. This is his testimony. What a privilege to share it with you!

His email:

Hey everybody, How are things going? Are you all excited for Easter this year? I am really excited for it even though it does make it harder to work here. This week is called the holy week and everyone goes out of town to visit family or on vacation to somewhere. Those that are here are "relaxing" yet, too busy to hear our message. Everyone keeps responding, "no, just come back next week." However, I am excited for Easter for different reasons, I am excited because this is a time of year when we can reflect upon the life of our Savior. I have a learned a lot about my savior as I have served as a missionary. I have come to know Him better I have come to understand on a a higher level, the sacrifice that He made for me. this week I have thought a lot about the first Easter. I have thought about the original apostles and the events of this week many years ago in Jerusalem. I have also thought about the events this week here in the Americas. With reverence I have pondered on Gethsemane and of the selfless love that was there expressed. I never applied Easter to the Americas and the Book of Mormon but, this week, I have realized the similarity in the situations on both sides of the world. With the death of the Savior, both sides of the world saw great destruction However, the more severe destruction was here in the Americas. The end result being that the face of the land was completely transformed. But I have thought more of this week about darkness. For three days both sides of the world sat in darkness. This side was a more literal and physical darkness, but the apostles and others in Jerusalem were in a darkness, and the affects were just as penetrating. While darkness covered this earth, light as bursting into the Spirit world where the Great Captain on Salvation was organizing his work for the dead. For three days, those on earth, waited in darkness. Then on the morning of the third day the darkness was dispersed and a light unknown until this time dawned upon them. The response at the tomb was that, "He lives." The eternal significance that just as He lives again, so will we. Our Savior became what he was destined to become. He fulled His mission that no other could. I know that my redeemer lives. I know that He suffered, suffering so great for us that blood came from every pore. He let Himself be betrayed and was crucified by those lost in darkness. I know that He let Himself die, a sacrifice for his father's other children. But with an inexpressible joy I have the knowledge that fills my body & soul that He lives. That he broke the bands of death, spiritual and physically for each one of us. He is the Great Captain of Salvation . He is the son of the Living God. He is & forever will be my Greatest Hero. He, not only prepare the way for me to be saved, but prepared the way for my family to be eternal. He prepared the path that we may be reunited with all those that we love. He made possible out return journey to our Heavenly home. I know that this is the message which I carry. I know that being a missionary is one of the greatest blessings I have received. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter I hope you remember what it really means.

I have learned a lot being a trainer this week. I will probably include more stories about that next week. this week I only had Easter on my mind. Have a great week everyone!


Elder Messer


Kristy said...

Love the new pictures!! Brazil looks gorgeous!!! I am jealous he has sun and we have rain but I guess he is just going into his "winter". Can't wait to read his email!

She Loves The Color Pink said...

I love these pictures!

Beth said...

I just noticed the rainbow behind him in the 2nd picture, cool. I love seeing pictures of him, and reading his emails. His testimony radiates!! Thank you so much for sharing, we love him to pieces!!! It is only because of the example you live of your faith and extreme courage that I am able to let mine go. Thank you from my whole heart!!!

Jill said...

How glorious to receive such an email from your son! Really and truly what could be better than knowing he KNOWS this and is helping others know it too? I gain strength and faith from these missionary posts because I know Landon's turn will come so quickly (6 years).

everything pink! said...

you can find the flowers all over at tjmaxx and home goods right now.
do you have tuesday morning?

crystal said...

That was one AMAZING letter--wow. What a great young man. Good work, mom ;)

michelle said...

Oh, Patsy. What a parenting payday!! I can only imagine receiving such a beautiful letter from one of my sons.

I love your missionary posts - they make me excited to send my boys out.