Thursday, August 26, 2010

the return of creative thursday

The greatest thing happened today...
The very first Thursday since school has started.
You know what that means?
The return of creative Thursday!
lauri, kristy, wende, kristal & I all met at my house.
Janae is down with a cold & karrie is back to work full time.
(Don't worry karrie we made a monthly GNO schedule!)
Not much creativity was going on....
We've gotta get our groove back.
But- we had wonderful take out for lunch, laughed ourselves silly, I actually cleaned the painted floor (thank goodness for company or some jobs would never get done) and I made these for a bishopric dinner tonight.

I am really looking forward to the next 9 months of Thursdays!


Brit said...

I love your cupcakes and was jealous when I saw the picture. Glad you had fun!

Linda said...

I need to form a creative thursday (or friday) group! It always looks like such a fun time! favorite!

Kristy said...

Dang my eyes are closed!!! Hooray for Thursdays!!!

Karrie said...

love the cupcakes and so sad I was not there to witness them in person!!!

michelle said...

Hooray for Creative Thursday!

Sometimes it's not about being creative at all, it's just the companionship. Your cupcakes are so beautiful.

Janae said...

SO sad I had to miss! Beautiful cupcakes!

Jill said...

I'm so glad you girls are back in action! It's too bad Karrie and Janae had to miss out, but it's good you've got some girl's nights scheduled for them to look forward to.