Wednesday, August 4, 2010

it wasn't supposed to be a party......

This year -
we told Trent (Brett & I) that
because he was getting a cell phone & expensive scouting stuff for his birthday.
We would not have a big party.
He was totally fine with that....
until last week when he I told him he could invite a couple of friends over for dinner on his actual birthday. I knew we were celebrating as a family earlier, that the girls & Brett would be gone- so what the heck? Invite a friend or two & I'll order pizza. I'm kinda nice that way.
Then- in the Sunday paper I saw the Diary of a Whimpy Kid movie was being released on DVD -on his actual birthday, so I thought- hey we can have dinner & a movie- no sweat right?
he started inviting people
anyone walking down the street basically.
I cut that list to the basic friends he had asked & told him at least 1,000 times-
Trent, this is NOT a party.
we had no invites- just phone calls- no gifts- just dinner & a movie!
I don't know why i was so insistent?
I guess I feel like he is so spoiled being the youngest, getting a cell phone (it's ridiculous if you ask me) etc?
Then in the car, late in the afternoon, on the big day.
I repeated again- this is not a party just pizza & a movie.
He said-
"mom, that's a party to me."
my heart sank.
I'm such a loser.
he's a little kid for heaven's sake!
I took him to Dairy Queen & we bought an ice cream cake.

I felt guilty the whole night for not inviting his many other friends.
What would it have hurt to invite a bunch of boys over?
At least his cub scout troop?
I could have spent a few more bucks on pizza?
I felt like dirt.
After the kids left I was about to apologize when he ran up, hugged me & said
"mom that was the best party ever!"
note to self:
life is short
Trent is already spoiled
the youngest of six- he should be spoiled, poor kid
next time - have the party - have fun.
it doesn't have to be a big deal
lesson learned
I hope


Unknown said...

this is one of those parties that i need to print out, fold up and keep in my pocket for future reference!! love it :)

Jill said...

It's funny that you kept saying "this isn't a party" because I was thinking, "that looks like a party to me" but I understand what you were thinking.

It looks like a great birthday for him all around. Is he harassing everyone with his cell phone or what?

wende said...

i told you that trent would not care! nor will he even remember the details - he'll only remember that you had a party for him. you don't need to feel like dirt. that WAS a party. pizza and a movie and cake? that's a party. and i think you're the nicest mom ever. for real.

Kim Sue said...

you know what these moments teach me? that what I usually get caught up in, what I think is important, and what frequently keeps me from having fun, Carly could care less about

Holly said...

This was so sweet Patsy! I totally get what you were saying about the non-party party. How great was it though that Trent just rolled with all of it and was thrilled with simplicity and an ice cream cake (by the way, YUM)?!?! What a SUPER kid!!

michelle said...

I love this post, Patsy. Love it.