Monday, August 23, 2010

they're off- well almost...

Today is it
Here's Hailey
Junior extraordinaire!
ready to go at 7:04 AM
You can't see from the photo- but she is wearing a darling shirt that she made herself & headed out the door with a glass of apple juice.
9th grade Chloe left next!!
Here she is ready to go at
7:40 AM
She's rulin' the school as a 9th grader.
she's so confident she hasn't even found or opened her locker yet-
that's easy, baby, sevey stuff ya know?!
Trent here-
woke up at 6:45...
even though his alarm was set for 7:45!
He was ready!

5th grader Trent is so ready-
this picture was taken a whole hour before he needed to leave!

Because we've got so much time to kill
I thought this would be the perfect time to pick up his room a bit?
He decided last week, in an effort to get ready for school, he would rearrange his room. I had no idea that rearranging his room meant he would put all furniture in the middle of the room?
It's crazy in there & not going to work for mom.
He seems to think it's perfect.
He doesn't want to put things back...
I don't want to clean the toilets...
so we are job swapping.
oh the joy
It's going to be a GREAT year!


Unknown said...

i don't want to clean toilets, either!! jack keeps moving furniture into his room. what the?!? i think that he can't possibly move one more thing in there, and don't you know he'll surprise me...

happy school year!

Kristy said...

WOOOHOO for school!!! I am so ready for some time alone and creative Thursdays!

Karrie said...

cute was so good to see you at school today..I went back to work and cried...I was so sad I wouldn't be home when they came home.

Beth said...

I will miss not having a "1st day of school" this year! So fun to live it through you guys!!

Love you tons!!

Jill said...

Oh wow, the first day for everyone, that's big! Landon left this morning for his first day of Jr. High, but Whitney doesn't start 4th grade until tomorrow.

Hopefully you're enjoying the empty house (even though I know you like a full house) and are getting some computer time at last! Will Creative Thursday resume this week?!

Holly said...

Everyone looks happy to be going back to school--glad they were excited about it!

I hope your arrangement with Trent works out. Ha! He sure keeps you on your toes! :)

Janae said...

I love Trent's enthusiasm! I hope you got a nap though;)
The girls look very cute! I can't really believe we are at this point in the year goes fast!

michelle said...

Such cute pictures! I'm cracking up that Trent was ready with his lunch and backpack an hour ahead of time.

Lucas just left for his first day, Max started yesterday, and Eva is just dying that she has to wait another week.