Tuesday, August 17, 2010

blogger's block

Typically if I am not blogging....
things are not going to well with my mood or just in general.
But not lately....
I just am burned out/blocked/can't think of what to say
very busy!
It's the very end of summer this week for us, ya know!?
Here are a few things we have been doing:
Chloe earned her YW medallion!!!
(big celebration & big post to come on that - I am waiting for pictures)
We took a little trip up to my sister's town & stayed overnight in a fabulous hotel
(thanks to hotel points)
While there- we visited with her family & my parents, who were there. We went out to dinner & the kids went swimming. It was super fun & nice to get away for even just one night!
Besides hitting the refresh button on my email over & over
(I was waiting for the missionary to write- which he did - which = happiness)
my sweet girls & I
cleaned closets, bedrooms & took a big load of stuff to the local thrift type store.
It felt so good!!!
I went through & organized (purged out junk) from every kitchen cabinet!!
Besides driving Chloe to ballet-
my parents are stopping by on their way home
I am hoping to clean out:
my laundry/sewing room & trent's room...
pray for me.


Beth said...

So productive! I love it... inspiration :)

Congratulations Chloe on earning the YW Medallion! What a great acheivement... don't stop, it is such a blessing to keep working on those kinds of goals the rest of your life :)

Ahhhh, an overnight mini vacation is so fun!

Jill said...

It's hard to imagine you having blogger's block, because I'm sure you really do have stuff to report and say. I do understand not feeling in the groove of it though, but I say push past the pain because your loyal readers miss you!

wende said...

amen to the blogger's block. sometimes, it's just life and nothing "blog worthy" really happens. you know. because we don't want people to be BORED TO TEARS reading our blogs.

however, it's time to get back on the bus, for me at least, because i have been so lame.

good luck with all your closet cleaning! i need to do that so bad, and we've only lived here for eight weeks or so? what the? how did they get bad so fast?