Friday, June 29, 2007

Where In The World Is Brian Going?

We started a contest today, thanks to my sister's great idea. We have a globe, a cup full of slips of paper, and a jar full of notes. The idea is to guess where in the world Brian is going on his mission...Why would we ask that you say??
Because Brian submitted his mission papers to the Bishop on Tuesday, who submitted them to our Stake Pres., who has an appointment with Brian on Sunday, who will then submit them to the church mission dept. SO WE ARE EXPECTING A MISSION CALL SOON!This is really nerve racking for everyone especially Brian. We are all so excited! Lately the word on the street is that papers are coming back within a week and a half or two weeks. We are wondering if the holiday may slow them down.So were thinking at the very least two weeks. Either way we will be thrilled to know where and start preparing for him to go.
So what's the prize for this game???Well- we are taking suggestions,post me your guesses & prized suggestions. Whoever gets the closest wins!!

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