Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ten Things I Like About Ruthie

Today was the last day of cousin's camp. By the time it was time for the cousin's to go I was really tired & crabby. Just too many late nights/early mornings. I don't do well on not enough sleep so I was really snappy as they left. In ruthie's family if you are not nice you have to say 10 nice things about the person you were not nice to~ so I thought I would give my list of 10 things I like about Ruthie~ maybe she will want to come back next year.
10. She has cute freckles
9. She has the auburn hair I always wanted or at least wanted one of my girls to have. (Maybe I don't like that about her)
8. She reminds me of what I used to look like when I was skinny.
7. She has a husband who looks like my husband & whenever we're together people think they are brothers. One time he kissed her goodbye in the front yard, then noticed someone waved as they drove by. That could've been great gossip. I wasn't too worried.
6. She shares her gum-now.
5. She has really cute kids & most importantly one on the way!
4. She makes me go to Women's Conference every year which I never have time for but I 'm glad I went after I get there.
3. She always remembers my birthday & we go out.
2. She thinks I can sew just cause I do simple things & acts like I have great ideas.
1. I love all our sister memories & I know I can always talk to her.

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