Friday, June 3, 2011

last day of school

The last day of school is pretty much the best day of the whole year.

Well, for the kids anyway- that was sarcasm.{Elementary school year end flag lowering ceremony}Trent & his teacher. Fifth grade has been a hard one for me & Trent. There has been a lot of learning, mixed in with mom feeling discouraged & Trent wanting to be home schooled. Trent's two best buds from last year moved schools. It's rough being a kid. Even rougher if you are a kid with Aspergers. He has a difficult time reading other kid's body language & communicating in general. Math - it gets harder in fifth grade. I'm talking algebra & geometry hard.... ya, rough. Reading & writing- they get harder too- like you are supposed to read real books (not comic books) and write something that happened in such book. dang.

Summer vacation~ bring it!Chloe spent the day signing year books & hanging out with friends!

the best part of the last day of school-

lots of friends mixed with pizza & root beer

this year I even made chocolate cake!

Trent has five friends over-
which means lots of boys trying to play- mixed with Trent getting confused & upset then crying & screaming. I have a headache. These poor boys. I think I'm going to be crying & screaming next. Heaven help me it could be a looong summer.


shannon said...

I'm sending my gang to your house for the last day of school! You really know how to celebrate...rootbeer, chocolate cake, pizza? What a great mom you are!

Sorry Trent has had a lousy year...
I have similar issues with Ellie getting frustrated and confused when kids come over. She wants playdates, but can't seem to handle them when they happen.
Although she is not autistic, she's got other problems that make me INSANE!!! I've taken active steps in making this summer everything that last summer was not! Serenity Now!
(I splurged and enrolled her in camp a few days a week) Do you have anything planned for Trent this summer?

She Loves The Color Pink said...

Yay for the last day of school...well, for the kids anyway :)
I hope it is a great summer!

michelle said...

You are such a fun mom! Maybe I should do that next year on the last day of school. I want to celebrate but I don't want to have to do anything... your way seems pretty easy.

It does sound like 5th grade was a challenging year for you and Trent. I hope the summer is a nice break for you both!