It's been a seriously...
busy busy
month here for me people!
In November-
I started redoing Hailey's room.
She moved into the boys old room in the basement & we (okay it was me) decided to turn her room into a guest room. We frequently have guests & it is only difficult because we always put them in Trent's room. That is a nightmare for me. So much work & it throws him off his schedule. So- In changing this room to a guest room-- my life will eventually be easier- right?
I have to say- all the wallpaper is down & I haven't even walked into the room since the friday before thanksgiving. No time.
One of Jack's best friends---
So lucky for us Jack was home a little bit.
He is so fun to have home.
Great News-
Hailey got a job at Cafe Rio!!!
-Oh ya-
She doesn't get to bring home free food I just love to yell free meal like they do.
Are you just sick about the whole Hostess going under business?
I may have ate my last raspberry filled powdered sugar donut?
I don't want to live in this kind of world? A world without twinkies?
Dear me--- can it be so?
A little update:
We LOVE having Brittany close & think she should eat dinner here every night.
Laura is on bed rest now-- she's 26 weeks--- much too soon for these little buggers to be wanting to come. So down she is!
I've been working nearly 30 hours a week & haven't had a day off in 10 days straight!
sigh- Christmas time + retail = crazy busy.
I've been in the last two Sunday nights after the store closed putting up Christmas floor sets.
Fun really-- but so tiring.
my window
I'm just a little over the top - proud of it.
I've also been making capes for Christmas- remember the super hero capes I made for Charlie & Joey?
Well-- I have had some orders & made 5 capes now! you know, just in my free time - still it's great for a little extra Christmas money & they are really fun to make!
Thank Heaven's for Brett- he is such a huge support & truly my sweet heart.
I love to see him with his "other girls" Lavern & Shirley.
It just cracks me up!
They run to his as soon as he opens the back door.
Thanksgiving Post
(it was so much fun!)
coming soon
Prayers and good wishes for those babies to stay put as long as possible!!!
your window is beautiful!!!! And 10 days?!!! They are working you to death! Tell them to stop!! I'm guessing they aren't even working that much straight. Lame. But I love you :)
Love the pictures! The guest room is going to be so nice when it's finished!
You are working so hard! Wish I could bring you dinner and scrub some toilets for you :)
Good luck with the guest room re-do, I'm sure it will be a labor of love.
I hope Hailey only has good things to say about working at Cafe Rio!
I'm sure Hostess will be back soon, it just has to be!
Your store window is gorgeous!
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