Sunday, March 11, 2012

highlights of last week

Last Monday - after a brief spiritual though- we went to
 Basket of Robins
 (that's what Trent used to call it)
 for Family night!

I'm not a huge ice cream lover, but I love to go to Baskin Robins!
I don't know if it's all the choices, those pink spoons, or just great quality ice cream? 
I just love it- we don't go there often... maybe we should more?

 We also made a trip to Target.
 Trent has been working hard for two weeks on a goal & this was his reward.
 Lego Harry Potter for the DS. 

Joy & happiness.
Sometimes it's just plain great to be a kid.
Thursday night we picked up my dad from the airport. He was on a flight up to Idaho to see my brother & got delayed (my sister works for an airlines so he frequently flies standby.)

Lucky for us he got to spend the night & visit for a bit.

Hailey sang & played a song for him---

and he played and sang a song for us. 

Then he told us a really funny story about how last week when he & my mom were on a cruise (they cruise a lot!) they were in the comedy show & George Lopez (the featured comedian) called him up on stage. He sang a song for George Lopez- then later they sang a duet. George- can I call you George?- at the end of their duet pulled out a $100 bill & gave it to him. SWEET!
 My dad, he's a good singer- and he tells that story much better than I do!

Chloe made him some homemade vanilla ice cream.
It was nice to have him here.


She Loves The Color Pink said...

What a great night with grandpa and a fun fhe! I don't remember the last time I went to baskin robins!
Will Chloe make me ice cream when we are there? :)
Great job Trent!

michelle said...

I love that Hailey sang and played for your dad and then he sang and played for her. I wish I could play the guitar!