Friday, March 16, 2012

happy birthday missionary jack!

Trent & Nya

Today is Missionary Jack's Birthday
missing you jack
But DO NOT worry all you readers... all 4-5 of you...
Because Missionary Jack will be home in 
19 DAYS.
Yep- we are down to less than three weeks until Jack comes home. 
I have a huge list of TO DO: before the big day arrives.
Today I am hoping to cross off a bunch of those items, we shall see?
21 things about missionary jack:

1. Jack is tall~ 6'1" (that's very tall to me!)
2. He is very passionate about history & politics.
3. That means-- he is very excited to be home before the presidential election. 
4. He was a history major at BYU.
5. I can't help but wonder what his major will be after a mission? Will that change??
6. He is extremely patriotic & I would be surprised if he didn't kiss American soil when he gets to his first American stop-- Atlanta, Georgia-- on his way home. Of course the Atlanta airport is pretty dirty. I hope he does it anyway just because there are so many germ-a-phobs in this family. 
(I am anti germ-a-phob - kiss dirt jack!)
7. Jack is one of the germ-a-phobs.... so maybe I will be surprised? 
8. Jack is skinny. He has always been skinny & has tried to gain weight at various times in his life. He has lost weight on his mission & frankly I am worried that when I see how skinny he is I may pass out, fall to the ground, then cry. 
9. Jack has a dramatic mother.
10. Jack wants to own a ranch someday- I know this has not changed!
11. Jack loves horses & I'm hoping he will raise me some organic grain fed beef someday! Sweet.
12. Jack is a calming influence in our home. nice.
13. Jack is super funny & has a dry wit. He is a great writer & we will miss his emails.
14. He is also wise & once told me not to be friends with someone because I would be going down--
 "a slippery slope." He was 17 at the time & that really cracked me up.
15. Jack is named after my dad.
16. Jack loves to read & has read the Book of Mormon at least 15 times since he got his mission call just over 2 years ago.
17. He knows that book so well it's pretty fun to play Book of Mormon trivia with him!!
HA- not really he kicks butt at that.
18. He loves apple pie, junk candy, Mountain Dew--- how does he stay skinny?
19. Jack plays the guitar & wears cowboy boots.
20. Jack is very loyal to his family, religion, college, friends, country... 
21. Jack is a hard working missionary & will be a hard working honest man- what more can a mom ask for?

Love you Jack- happy 21st birthday.
When you get home we will open presents & eat apple pie!


Tony said...

This was so fun to read! Can't believe it's Jack's birthday! 21! Wow! I agree with you, I think Jack will kiss the ground, even Atlanta airport ground, when he is on American soil.

Gail said...

How exciting that he will be home in only 19 days.

Is that a new dog in your family. She looks a lot like our dog Chloe.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

I knew I liked Jack . . .

Beth said...

I am crying again!
I hope he kisses American soil, ha ha!
I need a copy of your to do list now, it might take me an extra 18 months to get it done? I am lost and have no idea what to do when they finally return? Eat pie and open presents is a good start though!

Love and Hugs!!

wende said...

so excited to see missionary jack! we love that boy at our house. and i love this list! so funny and TRUE. some day when i grow up i want to be like jack.