Sunday, November 28, 2010

a list-

1. I have so much I want to blog about right now...
Like this
happy- happy- joy- joy
I can't think of anything better for 2011!
The whole family is beyond excited... you can imagine, I'm sure!
2. I am overwhelmed with a new found appreciation for working moms.
Completely Overwhelmed
I can't talk about it without getting teary.
HOW on earth do you get it all done- and without going mad?
3. I am thankful I have had so many years working at home- priceless.
4. Yesterday my missionary Jack's first companion (who is home now) came over. I was at work but he brought gifts & a CD full of pictures... perfect timing- since I was missing him terribly- and had several crying moments the day before Thanksgiving... gosh I miss him. Thanksgiving was too busy to cry.
5. Brian has a girlfriend! YEP it's official. She is from our town- which explains why he is home a lot. She is darling & they are so fun to watch. It's fun to see him like this.
6. I worry a lot these days.
7. Worry about Brett, the job situation- I shouldn't everything is going well, considering? I guess it's just the nature of being the mom.
8. I don't like it- but it's starting to feel like my new normal.
9. Still- it's a wonderful life.
10. Especially when I think about #1 on my list.
happy- happy- joy- joy


Kristy said...

I am so excited for you to be a Grandma again!!!!

I can't wait to see some pictures of Brian and his need to sneak some!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

michelle said...

Congratulations to you all!!!

I don't know how working moms do it, I just don't. I did it until Max was 3, and never did come to terms with it.