Wednesday, November 10, 2010

happiness is....

Pictures of the missionary in my inbox! but why are they so small?

Can someone tell me how to get them bigger?
Doesn't he look great!?
Gotta love that missionary!


Kristy said...

I will come over and show you.....

Jack looks awesome!! :)

Jill said...

These are cool photos, he looks happy and like his sense of humor is in tact!

wende said...

he looks so happy!
maybe kristy knows magic, but all i know is that if he sent them small (which sometimes the email program resizes them automatically), then you can't make them bigger. ask him to send them regular size from now on.

happiness IS getting jack in your mail box! what's better than seeing your handsome and happy missionary?!

michelle said...

He looks like he's having fun and is so happy! What a treat for a mother.