Monday, November 22, 2010

closing night & a little too much information?

I really can't believe how quickly the Nutcracker came & went this year...
Is it possible that time has sped up?
I'm serious...
is it possible?
Somebody leave me a comment-- I know it goes against all reason-- but I think it may be happening?
It felt like I took a million photos.
dang- I have hardly any & NOT EVEN ONE of her in her costume alone?
What on earth? I can only blame my new job, a house full of company & a lot on my mind.
Still... I'm so disappointed I didn't do a better job.
Three of her good friends from school came closing night.
So nice- such good girls.
They came to support Blair (left of Chloe) & Chloe.
I love that!

Aunt Ruthie, cousin Sarah & Sarah's best friend came too!
(Sarah is on the left.)
They are both ballerinas too & their nutcracker is in Logan this weekend!!!
At $17 a ticket... and me working Black Friday... we won't be attending- I'm so sorry Sarah! Break a leg- We love you!
Now that I'm private I can use Ruthie's kid's names--
and- by the way- Ruthie lives in Logan.
(Logan is 1 1/2 hour drive away.)
I'm not sure Sarah is speaking to me any longer...
She ordered this mint Oreo shake at Jake's Over the Top after the performance.
I of course, didn't want to eat too much dairy
(I'm lactose intolerant.. T.M.I??)
Then, proceeded to eat a hefty portion of hers.
It was so, so, so good - that I risked spending the rest of the night in the bathroom.
Lucky - the risk was worth it & I didn't get sick since Chloe & I waited for Brett to help unload the set into trucks until 12:30 AM. He didn't want us to drive home without him (winter storm coming).. so we didn't bring two cars & opted to go out for shakes instead.

Tomorrow's Topic
My New Job
It should be riveting- I work until 2:00PM so I won't write until later.
Don't miss it!
(that was sarcasm)


Unknown said...

i concur. time is DEFINITELY speeding up!!

Amie said...

Time is speeding up.

In my world there is no such thing as TMI. I like details and people who share.

Jill said...

I think time is speeding up too, I feel it all the time!

I hate it when I end up with less photos than I thought or when I don't have photos of individuals. I was just checking my photos from last Thanksgiving and was disappointed by how few and how crappy they were.

So you're lactose intolerant and you have a job...hooray for going private and sharing details!

Karrie said...

I am so sorry we missed Chole this year...I should have called WSU when I missed getting the tickets from you..but I was not on the ball sorry. Is there hope for next year? Will she still do it?

michelle said...

Yep, time is speeding up. My grandma said that she thought time was accelerating until the second coming. Yikes.