Tuesday, September 21, 2010

family night

(reinactment photo)
In an effort to be more positive & get that sad post off the top of the blog I am posting about yesterday...
this will be boring.
Yesterday I:
made breakfast & one lunch
ironed 16 shirts while my favorite show was interupted by breaking new... I hate that!
finished a long over due sewing project ~ it's a surprise so I can't show it
did the dishes-
changes sheets
made beds
and dinner.
played a game on my Iphone (man I love that phone)
watched some dancing with the sluts- some of those outfits are just wrong.
taught a family night message about the "traps" of temptation - eww that sounds scary?
it wasn't.
then lost at UNO- three times!
Hailey won twice & Brett once.
Not such a bad day?!


She Loves To Make said...

I love family night. Good for you ironing 16 shirts! I hate ironing.

Jill said...

It sounds like a super productive day, way to combat the blues!

michelle said...

Way to get things done! I hate both ironing and making up the beds.