Wednesday, September 22, 2010

just so you know...

*Missionary jack loved the 4 rolls toilet paper I sent in his suitcase.
He asked, "since when was American toilet paper made of velvet?"
I guess he hadn't really thought about it until now?

*He also loved the sour candy. He said it was fun watching his Brazilian friends trying it!
In fact- he had forgotten about sour candy (funny because it was his favorite) they don't have anything like that in Brazil. He said the sour patch kids I sent- "rocked his world & kicked his butt."
wow- that's impressive...?

*Tonight is the start of The Biggest Loser- one of our favorite shows. Trent says when he grows up he wants to be on The Biggest Loser!
okay then...

*Chloe- was chosen to be THE ARABIAN SOLOIST in the Nutcracker!
Have I already told you?
I've told every. single. person. I have seen since Saturday. (Much to Chloe's embarrassment.)
I can't help it- we are all so excited!

*One week ago today... we found new homes for both of our dogs. Yes, you read it right- we are dog less. All I can say is- it was time.
We found incredibly, wonderful homes for them (max is the new best friend of a 5 year old boy who is blind.) We were truly blessed to find the perfect homes for them & are at great peace about the whole matter. We are seeking to "simplify"
not just talk about it-
this has truly simplified many aspects of daily life. Yes- even the kids have agreed it was the right thing to do.

*This morning Trent said he had a bad dream last night. He said his friend was a, "bad guy & chasing him." He said the only way to fight him was to find his, "weak spot." I made the mistake of asking what that would be? His reply, "his nuts, you know... his privates, mom?"
Oh boy.
Let's not use the phrase "nuts" in that way at school. please.

*I made two loaves of bread today & took them to friends.
*I made cookies & sent off some good mail.
*I visited with Wende & Kristy- saw Kristal for a second & finished two sets of cards for card club.

The job situation is looking okay. Much better than you'd think. I will post more on that later.

Life is Sweet
especially when you consider how great the toilet paper is around here
I mean, really? Who could ask for more!?
p.s. this was written yesterday


She Loves To Make said...

I love that Trent wants to be on the biggest loser when he grows up. Luckily with his genes that would probably never happen even if he tried!
We are so proud of Chloe!

michelle said...

Patsy, I love this post. Mostly because you just sound so you, so okay.

I wish we could find another home for our dog! But my family would never agree to it. Luckily, he turned 7 on Sunday. He can't live too much longer, right?

Congratulations to Chloe! What a huge accomplishment!

I'm looking at American toilet paper in a whole new light.

Unknown said...

agreed - this is a cheerful post about everday things, and it makes me smile :)

good for you for SIMPLIFYING. it's one of those concepts that, for me, exists only in my head. ACTION paralyzes me sometimes.

Jill said...

Oh dear, if the toilet paper you sent him feels like velvet then I'm afraid for what he's using the rest of the time!

Congratulations to Chloe!

Wow, that's seriously impressive the you were able to find homes for both your dogs! What a great way to simplify!

Trent is funny.

I'm so glad you're busy doing nice things for other people, that's so therapeutic!

wende said...

i love this post.
and i love that i'm one of the people who visited with you yesterday. i love visiting you.

trent cracks me up, and for his health, i hope he never ends up on the biggest loser! but ya, we love that show too.

i'm so glad you're all at peace about the dogs. i know that was a tough thing, but i love thinking of them in their new homes! i'm sure they are loving life. and i have to say, i can feel the simplify theme in the air when i come to your house now. it's a great feeling.

love ya!

Marie said...

I am so excited for biggest loser! We have a friend on it this season.. Burgandy

PaD said...

I'm sorry you couldn't handle the dogs any longer. They are a big job. I sure do miss mine.

I can't wait to see Chloe in the nutcracker. I love you all. Mom