Wednesday, February 27, 2013

just a few...

Just a few of my favorite gals...
holding a few of my favorite guys.

Sunday after church 
baby time

Monday, February 25, 2013

on friday

The twinners
went on their first outing.
The doctor's office.

Finn & Crew

I had my daily fix.

For fun- Brittany & I took these girlies out to get some Chinese food!
They are so much fun.
Ya- I know you're thinking it- Me Too!
What's up with Caroline's sweatshirt?
I'm hurting.

Do you think Finn is too young for a mustache? 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

finally fixed

Tonight- I have been totally fed up with this computer...
Then- MAGICALLY- Hailey's friend Ryan
Thanks to Ryan-
Here are some photos from our week.
If you ever go to Trader Joe's-- ever
Pick up one of these babies.
Oh I love them. 
And I don't even like pb & j sandwiches- go figure?

Every Single Day
My beautiful hens lay eggs.
I just can't get over it, maybe you are sick of reading about them- but I love you ladies.

This is a photo of Brian holding one of his darling babies!
I think this is Crew.

I know this guy below is Finn.

I am so very impressed with what a wonderful team Brian & Laura have made!
*They are already amazing parents*
I stop by for at least 1/2 hour or more-- EVERYDAY.
It is an absolute joy for me.
One day- Laura was taking a nap & I had Crew. Brian changed Finn's diaper & there it went... he peed all over. Brian was like- hey no sweat- he took off his clothes & gave him a bath! WITHOUT Laura- I was like... do you need help? do you need Laura to help? Nope he just took over, gave him a bath. He confidently washed his sweet little body & head. Then, got him back dressed. Wow. Impressive. I don't think I have ever seen a new dad so involved & competent.
He & Laura- they just have it all together over there. 

This past week- Trent & I spent some time together.
We went shopping- Trent thought the boys needed this Fisher Price Car. Ya, maybe?

We had our annual Valentine's Dinner
a week late.
Better late than never, right?

 Look at these deer that were in our back yard!
Crazy huh

 The twinners got weighed at the pediatrician's office.
They are doing so good-
Finn has already topped his birth weight by 2 oz. Crew- is following up close. 

 It was a busy week & it all starts over again tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

blogger problems

For some reason, blogger won't let me upload... or at least not quickly!
Is anyone else having this issue? I've been trying to blog everyday!

no use-- can't download pictures!

Monday, February 18, 2013

cuteness overload

 Last week- Laura was supposed to have the babies on Monday, they were delayed until Friday because she was sick. (poor Laura, it's going to be a while before she feels better!) Then, Chloe had to go back into the hospital for a couple of days... then our TV broke. Really? Really!! The TV too?
It was a long week
 and then

The babies were born on Friday!
All healthy & humongous - for twins anyway.

Chloe was home Saturday afternoon 
(she stopped by to see the babies on her way)
and then- came home for a bit- and then
went to the H.S. Valentine's dance with one of her dear friends Daniel.
(She was pretty overwhelmed- so much in one day- but had a GREAT time. Frankly we would not have let her go with anyone else.)
Plus my sister and family came to town to visit Brittany.
 Of course we didn't take any photos??

Saturday morning- Happiness started coming regularly in on our phones-
photos of the twins.
Crew above & below

Finn- he's just kicking back.
I'm sure they are both wondering where in the heck are they?

We visited in shifts-- then left them alone to rest.
Rest Laura Rest!
Rest Brian-- yes- you too!
Rest while you can.

I'm sure these little angels will be on eating & sleeping schedules soon!?
But you never know?
Are they the sweetest little twins ever or what?
and just so you are not worried---
today we got a new TV
It's looking up around here-
It's a wonderful life
really it is.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Finn & Crew
Born February 15, 2013
8:12 & 8:14 AM
6lb. 6oz. & 7lb. 4 oz.

The Grandmas
I'm holding Crew & Grandma Debbie is holding Finn

Proud PaPa & Daddy

Uncle Jack

Aunt Hailey

Uncle Trent

Aunt Chloe

For now we can tell them apart because Crew is nearly a pound bigger!
But soon....
Soon we will need a system.
Ah Joy Joy Joy from Heaven

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

January 2013

In January 2013---
Chloe came home from the hospital

She was treated to lots of love from her darling friends & family.

These are just a tiny sampling of the many cards & gifts sent my mail or left on our doorstep.
Thank you so much for so much love & support.
Unfortunately this illness is not something easily resolved. It will take time, lots of time, lots of work, lots of therapy, lots of doctors, lots of trust & lots more love. Just like any other illness- it is real- it is hard- it is complicated & it takes time to get better. Thank you for your prayers- fasting- please continue to pray for her and for us. We can always use it. 

In January 2013 Chloe was also asked to the Valentine's Dance!
In this photo she had just gotten home from the gym with her dad (thus the work out gear) to find a dozen roses & box of chocolates!! Seriously? Smart, smart boy.
Her first words- I Have Always Wanted to Get a big heart shaped box of Chocolates!
What girl hasn't?

In January 2013 -- All of the kids were home for Sunday dinner.
Minus the wonderful Tony & Laura- that was a bummer.
But- fun to have everyone at the kitchen table-- and loud.

Jack was up from BYU a lot to see the boys & Meg.

Oh how I love my boys!

It snowed a lot (still snowing here in February.)
Lots & Lots of snow. 
I have mostly loved it.... but it's getting old people. 
(Spring I am looking forward to seeing you again)

We took a few trips out to McDonald's to play & here we are at Cafe Rio- just to get out of the house with the boys. They play outside everyday! Being at Nana's house is fun-- but it was starting to get old.
 We are still feeling cooped up in all this snow & inversion.

This is a bit of my view driving home from work

I love this street headed up to the capitol. 

(ingredients for homemade ice cream & root beer)

Every Friday in January my kids cooking classes were in full swing!
Except for one Friday - we had a snow day-
They were so successful I am adding March, April, & May classes!
They are nearly full- one spot left.
I'm taking February off because of the twins. 
I am hopefully today finishing the bedding & they will be here..... you know- Friday?

Some very exciting news-
In January 2013 I Won this!
There was a competition at work in my region & 20 people won mixers- I was one of them!!
Woo! I of course have a mixer & use it nearly EVERYDAY- but I don't mind having two. Heck I already have been using it & frequently use both on the same day. Also, it will really help me with my cooking classes & next week I am teaching the Boy Scouts how to make bread- so YES- it's crazy but I can use both mixers.

January 2013 was an eventful month.
and now we are nearly half way through February!