It's been a seriously...
busy busy
month here for me people!
In November-
I started redoing Hailey's room.
She moved into the boys old room in the basement & we (okay it was me) decided to turn her room into a guest room. We frequently have guests & it is only difficult because we always put them in Trent's room. That is a nightmare for me. So much work & it throws him off his schedule. So- In changing this room to a guest room-- my life will eventually be easier- right?
I have to say- all the wallpaper is down & I haven't even walked into the room since the friday before thanksgiving. No time.
One of Jack's best friends---
So lucky for us Jack was home a little bit.
He is so fun to have home.
Great News-
Hailey got a job at Cafe Rio!!!
-Oh ya-
She doesn't get to bring home free food I just love to yell free meal like they do.
Are you just sick about the whole Hostess going under business?
I may have ate my last raspberry filled powdered sugar donut?
I don't want to live in this kind of world? A world without twinkies?
Dear me--- can it be so?
A little update:
We LOVE having Brittany close & think she should eat dinner here every night.
Laura is on bed rest now-- she's 26 weeks--- much too soon for these little buggers to be wanting to come. So down she is!
I've been working nearly 30 hours a week & haven't had a day off in 10 days straight!
sigh- Christmas time + retail = crazy busy.
I've been in the last two Sunday nights after the store closed putting up Christmas floor sets.
Fun really-- but so tiring.
my window
I'm just a little over the top - proud of it.
I've also been making capes for Christmas- remember the super hero capes I made for Charlie & Joey?
Well-- I have had some orders & made 5 capes now! you know, just in my free time - still it's great for a little extra Christmas money & they are really fun to make!
Thank Heaven's for Brett- he is such a huge support & truly my sweet heart.
I love to see him with his "other girls" Lavern & Shirley.
It just cracks me up!
They run to his as soon as he opens the back door.
Thanksgiving Post
(it was so much fun!)
coming soon