Monday, June 11, 2012

what's up?

So much is going on around these parts.

A week ago today I dropped off these two at EFY!
wow- that was a fast week-
They had a blast & met loads of new friends.
I went to EFY when I was 15... oh good times.

LOADS & LOADS of drama...
when we woke up last week & one of our chickens was- you know?
oh boy
Wild kingdom reigns in the backyard. We had 5 chickens- did I tell you we had 5? Now we are down to these two.

They are teenagers now (not fully grown yet.)
Have you heard the phrase- pecking order?
Well apparently that is real among chickens. It's also gross. 
It's also very disturbing to their 12 year old owner who about had a heart attack. 
The first chicken to go was his- Chicken Little.

He & Brett carved a headstone & had a memorial service.
(Gee Whiz- by the end of summer our yard could be full of headstones)
The stone is engraved- Here Lies Chicken Little, my best friend.
Cluck Cluck & Jerk were dead the next morning.
All that's left are Chicken & KFC.
It's a tough neighborhood.

The big boys continue their fishing trips-- not much fish-- but they are having fun.
 They found a swimming hole the last trip - stripped down to their BVD's, and took a dip. 

Last week Trent & I had a day out.
First stop- haircut.

I got some new shoes.

Then we went & had lunch.

We had to hurry home since Trent was overly concerned (obsessed) with his new "job."
He started a business again-- Trent's bike repair. He made a badge & has been asking the neighbors if he can lube their bike chains & tighten their brakes.
It's a darn good thing we live in such a nice neighborhood.

My herb garden is coming along beautifully.

(this corner of the yard is going to be where we have our bird houses & feeders)
and look at this- our new fence is in!!
We had to replace our fence since the wind blew it down in the big wind storm of 2011.
It's beautiful! I'm in love with it. It is just so nice. It makes our yard look so pretty.

I can't remember a year when our garden has gotten off to a better start?
The tomatoes- Normally I would just now be getting the plants in.

and the pumpkins- we are going to have loads.

Summer is off to a great start.


Jill said...

Wow EFY-time has already come and gone?!

My parents have seen some bad pecking-order stuff with their chickens too...not cool.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

What a fun catch-up, peek into your summer post Patsy.

Sorry to hear about your chickens. It's a brutal animal world.

Kim Sue said...

ha! love that one of the chicken's is named KFC. that's great!

michelle said...

I love that they engraved a headstone! I had to chuckle about the potential for a yard full of chicken headstones.