Tuesday, June 12, 2012

jack- the update

A couple of people out there have asked me how the former Missionary Jack is getting along?
So tonight-- I give you an update.
I didn't ask permission... I hope that's okay, Jack?
He's pretty easy going about stuff these days, so I don't think he will mind?
Jack has been home for 2 months now. 
It seems like he was gone forever & like he never left all at the same time.
I really, really like having him around.
 Don't get me wrong- I know he is a grown up now. He will leave in August to go back to BYU and that's okay. He will do great there, he loves BYU & it is still a dream come true to be a student there.  He is working part time at the airport & currently looking for another part time job. It's not easy since he will be moving in 2 months. He spends a lot of time with Brian- I was not sure if the day would come when they didn't fight. They haven't (as far as I know) even argued once since he came home. So nice- I guess they have both matured? He goes fishing at least once a week & loves the airplanes he works on. He has gained nearly 25lbs since he came home. sigh- he really needed it! We went to a specialist at the University of Utah - who specializes in travel illnesses. This doctor has seen a lot of return missionaries. He was checked out for parasites, dengue fever & malaria antibodies. He had the malaria & no parasites... so far. He was told if he starts having stomach problems or sees anything (oh golly) to go back. Sometimes parasites hide out & are not detected for years. Malaria- oh dear me. It stays with you forever. It hides out in your liver & comes back to visit you from time to time- so they say. If you get malaria more than once it can be fatal- no sweat the doctor said- "if you get a high fever- it goes away- then it comes back- just go into the ER & tell them you have malaria- they will know what to do."
What in the world?
 How about if you get any fever you run to the ER with your mommy & she will panic until they do something? 
He gets a lot of headaches. His body is still healing. He was sick a lot- most of the two years. He worked hard & he/we have been so very blessed to have a missionary.
It's nice- nice having him home. Seeing his friends come home- I love it. He is a darling boy, but then I am his mother. He came home with an even greater love of the Savior, of the great USA- a stronger determination that he can do anything with divine help, and humble. So humble.
I love you Jack. 
P.S. If you get a fever when you are at school & don't tell me- I swear I will take you down.


Jill said...

Wow, home for 2 months already!

It's so great that he and Brian are good friends now, what a blessing for all of you.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

"Oh golly." That line made me laugh. It's amazing the love and dedication that missionaries have and what they will do to help the Savior. It's remarkable really.

Kim Sue said...

I'm with you. If he has even a flushed face, he needs a trip to the ER with MALARIA written really big at the top of the complaint sheet!

michelle said...

Oh dear. That's the sort of thing that can make a mother crazy!!