Wednesday, June 28, 2017

our henry

 Born June 2017

 Last June 17th a very special young man came into our lives.
Megan & Tony asked me to go to their home & watch Charlie, Joey & Peter while he was being born. It was so fun!
We played 

a lot
and we hung out at McDonald's Play land- with ice cream.

We made Fourth of July T-shirts 

When we got the call-- we speedily made our way to the hospital.

 (Hours old Henry with 6 year old, big brother, Charlie)

 This newest & 6th Grandson is an absolute joy!
We celebrated his first birthday last weekend & frankly-- I can hardly believe it.

I never thought much about being a grandmother when I was young, or when I was a young mother. I didn't know my own grandmothers nearly at all. I am amazed by the new sense of responsibility and overwhelming love I feel for these precious children. I knew being a grandmother would be fun, but I didn't know how much love would be in every aspect.
 It's gigantic! It's all encompassing love. 
It's a more mature love than the love I felt as a young mother. I don't have the worry of being their parent, supporting them financially or being responsible for their every need.

(I realize that because my children are capable adults- and really, really good parents- I am blessed. )
I can see clearly, that it is my choice to be an influence for good in their lives and that's what I want to be. I want them to feel- only love- not the judgement or expectation I unwillingly put on my own children out of inexperience & unrealistic expectations. 
Being a grandparent has taught me already that I have a 3rd chance at childhood. Of course not as involved as my first two opportunities -- my own childhood, and the childhood of my children-- I just know that I don't want to waste it. Even though I typically see them once a week at the most- and not for a full 24 hours, it's important time. It's fleeting- it's going so very fast. 
I feel blessed- I feel lucky

1 comment:

Jill said...

He's a gorgeous baby!

I love your last paragraph especially and think you are so wise to recognize what kind of grandparent you want to be and that it's an opportunity for a 3rd childhood. I hope I'm like you when my turn comes along. I would love to be a source of love and wisdom without judgment (I wish I could do better at that with my kids).