Monday, February 24, 2014

an unofficial spokeswoman

Sometimes I wonder if I am going to turn into the neighborhood/area authority on Mental Illness. I've thought about it for years now. It even weighs on me at times- kind of silly right?
Not to me.

I feel this need to keep private
but on the other hand--
The world is full of different people.
Different struggles & challenges.
I see my limited view of those people and how a majority of them have loved ones in their lives with Mental Illness.
An Aunt, Cousin, Sister, Brother, their own child or even..... themselves!
I wonder if I starting talking about it- would help or just hurt?
Actually to be honest-
I wonder if I will hurt myself?

Putting what I have learned out into the blogging universe is scary.

Today I have decided that
I must.
I've certainly never been a, "quiet" person.

So- intermingled between family history there will be posts on real life.
Life - a good life lived with Mental Illness swirling around me.

Mental Illness- it's not a swear word-
It's so hard to say though.

step one: it's okay- it's going to be okay.
Yes- it sucks.
But you are not alone
NEVER are you alone in your struggles.

There are others who have come before you & live - even thrive!
It's true.


Beth said...

I am so very blessed to have you as my sister!!

Amie said...
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Amie said...

Sometimes I can't remember if I left you a comment or wrote it in my head. Often after reading your blog I don't want to leave an off the cuff comment but to process and then come back.... and then....

I'm so glad you blog. I'm so glad our paths crossed. You've had an impact on me. Even though our struggles are not similar, your strength and example is baffling to a girl like me. I know that there have been multiple situations that I have handled better because I have you in the back of my mind and it has made my action/reaction to others more tender. I hope you keep writing and sharing and that the positives you get back from putting yourself out there outweigh the negatives (exponentially).

You are an angel mother. We need more of those.