Monday, April 30, 2012

missionary jack- he came home!

Missionary Jack came home
 to a neighborhood of yellow balloons & welcome signs- it was a glorious reunion.

Actually-- before heading home we stopped at In & Out Burger. If you have been reading for a while, you may remember that an In & Out Burger was announced & started building before Jack left for Brazil. It's been up & running for years now- per Jack's request we headed there for lunch straight from the airport. 

It's been said- at least at our house- there is nothing quite like an American Cheeseburger.

Back at home we unloaded & headed into the house.

We got a better look at the shoes.

Jack is so proud of the miles he put on these babies.
Um- hello? We could have sent money or even a pair of shoes? boys?
Still- they are a constant reminder of the work. The work he has given the past two years of his life for. The work of spreading the good news- that Christ Lives!
Yes- we love these shoes.

Jack had presents waiting for him at home. He missed two Christmas's & two birthdays!

Mostly- Jack had presents for us.
Brazilian candy- purses- a hammock for dad. Lots of souvenirs- it was so much fun to see what he brought us.

I am so humbled.
Part of why I haven't written here is - how?
How do you describe such an experience? It is sacred. 
I am blessed.


Unknown said...

so wonderful to see pictures of your family reuniting with jack!!

michelle said...

This is beautiful, Patsy!

I have loved experiencing your sons' missions vicariously and getting a peek into what it is like.

Those shoes are amazing. I can't believe he could even still wear them!