Monday, April 2, 2012

just what's up?

I really didn't mean to go so long in between blog posts. It's been a busy week with so much going on.
Daffodils are blooming all over town.

I was asked to be the YW girl's camp director this year for our young women at church.
(so fun!)

We baby sat Nya for a couple of days... and took a lot of walks around the block.

Last Saturday night was the YW General Conference Broadcast- it was FANTASTIC!! We went out for yogurt afterward- then stopped to buy hair dye for this Hailey who is going to K.I.L.L. me for putting this picture up on here... yep- I'm a gonner.

The Saturday before that was our sweet Ella's baptism & her grandma made this darling cake!

Trent decided he wants to have his own cooking show on Food Network- after a "chopped night" for the young men & young women at church. His group won- proof he needs his own show! He practiced by making me some fried carrots & potatoes with a side of apple & orange slices while I was taking a nap after school one day. oh boy.

most importantly
this past weekend was General Conference

I was privileged to watch it with this little guy-- and Megan & Tony & Charlie!!!!!

Yep they got here Saturday night & we are having 
the best time ever
Plus-- drum roll please......
missionary Jack comes home in 
Wednesday April 4, 2012 
he will be home


michelle said...

2 days??!! How is that possible! You are going to be so happy on Wednesday!! I'll be thinking of you.

Girls' Camp director is a big job!

Conference weekend is the best, especially with your loved ones in town!

Murdlem said...

How exciting! It is a great week! Grandbaby cheeks and your son home... Sounds like heaven.

Marie said...

So exciting!!

Jaelynn said...

Just found your blog again after a couple years! But I'll be checking again, waiting for a Jack picture post! I cannot believe he's back!