Tuesday, March 30, 2010

St. George to Vegas to Arkansas... backwards

I uploaded these photos in reverse on accident.
Dang- I hate when I do that....
We arrived in Bentonville, Arkansas around 9:00 PM

It's a cute little airport.
Really smart & clean & nice & you get out of the plane
which is kind of cool if you ask me.

The 3 hour ride seemed like 12.
We traveled on Allegiant Air, a fairly new airlines that does not offer perks, but low prices instead. When I say - no perks- I'm serious.
I'm talking NO drink- NO peanuts- NO snacks with out $$
That was okay.

The Vegas Airport has changed so much since the last time I was there, which was I don't remember when.. but I've been there. Jack was born in Vegas. We lived there for only 9 months during their "family period" and boy-- have things changed.

Now- what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Pretty airport though.
My mom warned us there were long lines & she was right on the money!

Take a look at all these Bentley's & limos here waiting to pick up people!
There were just as many if not more out of view!!
The drive to Vegas from St. George is such a pretty one, especially in spring & this canyon.

My parents were so great to let us come & visit & crash at their house.
ARen't the cute!?
They had pizza & soda for us when we got there--
it had been a long drive & that was so nice!
Thanks for having us mom & dad!
Hopefully we will see you again really soon.
more to come on the trip...
right now- I'm working on getting things back in order, a cub troop field trip & getting jack out the door- he leaves exactly one week from now...
His VISA & travel plans came while we were away.
so he heads straight to the BRazilian MTC
next tuesday at 2:45
BRAZIL is going to LOVE him!


Kristy said...

I am so glad that Jack's VISA made it and he can go straight to Brazil. I can't believe it is coming so fast it seemed like forever away when Jack got his call. What a fun trip for your family.....I really want to go somewhere now!

Karrie said...

I can't believe how the time went...Jack is going to be an awesome missionary...great backwards post too.

michelle said...

That picture with Hailey in the foreground is amazing!!