Monday, March 1, 2010

extreme mother fear. why I haven't been blogging

It's been a rough month here in our home.
Three weeks ago Hailey started having what we call "episodes." She, we & her doctors are not sure if she is having seizures or panic attacks- or frankly, both.
They come, nearly
usually- at school.
just what every 16 year old sophomore dreams of.... (that was sarcasm)
she cannot drive anymore
she does not sleep well
she seems fine & is cheerful & tries really hard to not seem scared.
maybe she's not scared.
but I am
Last week - Friday morning-
she & I went to Primary Children's hospital in SLC to have an MRI & an EEG.
the results- just as I had been prompted-
relief- no tumors.
but fear
now what?
we don't know why?
she doesn't know why?
she just doesn't want them to come anymore.
Today brett got an email from a dear friend whose daughter has cancer.
The told him today that she is terminal, take her home & keep her comfortable.
She is just older than Megan- early 20's.
I can't help it. I feel so sad for them but so relieved that is not us.
how can this be happening to anyone so young?
hailey is currently in the cast of her H.S. production of CATS
I have been making a cat costume.
Cat costumes are not fun to make- neither are cat wigs.
But it is done- she doesn't want to quit.
I can't blame her.
she has worked so hard.
Opening night
Brett & I take turns going to rehearsals in case
it happens.
tonight was brett's turn
and it
did happen.
Why am I telling you this?
I just thought you might want to know why I'm not blogging.
maybe getting it off my chest (with her permission) will help me to cope.
But what can I do to help her more?
We are asking our friends & family to please fast for her this Sunday March 7th.
I believe in the power of prayer.
We would appreciate some of that too.

So- keep us in your prayers.
please fast if you can



wende said...

we're thinking about you all.
we'll fast on sunday, and any other day you want us to.
love you guys!

michelle said...

Oh, Patsy.

Poor Hailey. Poor you and Brett. This must be so upsetting for you all!

I assume she has seen a neurologist?

How very frustrating to not know why it is happening. And of course you are relieved that she doesn't have a tumor, that is totally understandable.

I completely believe in the power of prayer and fasting, and I hope you get some answers soon.

Linda said...

I am so sorry that Hailey is going through all of this. So sorry for what your whole family is going through at this difficult time.

Never underestimate the power of prayer! You will all be in my prayers daily. Please keep us posted.

John and Misty said...

So sorry this has been happening. We will fast and pray for you. Bless you all!

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

You are in my prayers. I love you Hailey!

Kim Sue said...

Wow, I can feel how worried you are and scared too. And I can totally understand. I'm sorry you and your sweet girl are struggling with this. You are in my prayers!! He is the one with the answers and the one with the plan!

Jill said...

Oh my goodness, poor Hailey and poor you and Brett!! How stressful and confusing this must be for all involved. I'm so glad it's not a tumor! Hopefully the doctors will find a way to help her get things under control.

I'll be praying for you guys!

jakenapril said...

Wow. As I was reading this I couldn't help but be reminded of a friend of mine who had the same thing happen her Senior Year in HS. I'm not sure if the doctors were ever really able to pinpoint what the cause was, but she is fine today...went to college, served a mission, got married, and has a few cute little kidlets. Hmmm...the field of neurology sure is complicated.
My heart and prayers are with you all! :)

Karolynn said...

Wow, I had no clue all this was going on. I am glad the tests on Hailey were normal. Poor girl! I hope she will be ok and that it will go away soon. Sorry about your friends daughter, that would be so hard.

Janae said...

so sorry you are all going through this! I am glad the tests came back normal and hope that they can discover what is causing this! Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers:)

Karrie said...

I love this girl and she is always in my prayers...this to shall pass!!!

PaD said...

Sorry to hear this Patsy. We get home tomorrow (thru. night). We will fast for her too. Love you all, Mom D

Becky said...

Stopped by for the first time in a long time and read this post...I am so glad I can add my prayers.